"Lean On" by Pentatonix

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AN: Y'all don't know how hard it was not to post this early with all the adds to reading lists and follows. Standard disclaimer! I only own Lory. Everything else is the property of C.L.Stone. Constructive criticism is welcome and even requested, but flames will be used to make s'mores. I love votes and views. Please let me know your favorite lines and moments. Happy Reading.


North: She's not sleeping. She's having nightmares about all kinds of shit that went down when she was undercover.

Blackbourne: How bad?

North: Bad. I get the feeling there's a lot of stuff missing in those files.

Sean: Did she get back to sleep?

North: Yes. Now ask me if she stayed asleep.

Sean: How often is this happening?

Luke: every night.

North: I have a theory on something that could help, but I want to test it.

Blackbourne: How soon can you test this theory, Mr. Taylor?

North: Tomorrow night.

Sean: Why tomorrow?

Luke: Once she started talking the first words out of her mouth were "I miss Niko". North thinks she'll sleep better with a dog.

Luke: a real one with four legs and fur.

North: I'm gonna see if she'll sleep better if Max is there with her.

Blackbourne: Good idea. Test it tomorrow. In the meantime, Lory should go see Dr. Roberts this morning.


It was a typical Thursday morning for Phil Roberts. He'd had his first cup of coffee and was about to kiss his wife goodbye and head to the hospital. That's when he started getting text messages.

Blackbourne: Would you have some time to see Lory this morning? I'd like her to see you as she is having trouble sleeping.

Sean: I'm putting Lory on Medical leave and sending her to you this morning. She needs a check up. Make sure you give her a note for school.

Lory: Have my jailers already told you that I'm supposed to see you today?

He sighs deeply before smirking at Zora. "Looks like I'm seeing Lory today."

"Give her my love and tell her she is to be here at least one night a week for dinner and she will not make me hunt her down. The boys would be quite upset if I had to send Zhenya to collect her."

"You know he doesn't like to be called that here."

"I do it because he lets it irritate him."

"I'm well aware, moya lyubov'," he grinned before kissing her and heading to the hospital. Lory always manages to make the day interesting. I should probably have more coffee.

Marc: Hey Doc, can we come see you about this job?

Perfect timing.

Roberts: Of course. Bring coffee.


I love mornings. I love how it annoys people to get up early to meet me at the range when I do training. I love how I can surprise people when they aren't expecting me. I came to the Taylor place on a whim. I didn't really think South would be here, but there's the jeep.

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