"Watch Me" By Icon for Hire

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   A/N: happy reading

  New school. New assignment. Joy. At least I have an actual, legitimate driver's license and can drive myself. It's the only perk of a truly suck-tastic 17th birthday. Now if I can talk Uncle James into letting me use his bike, I'll be golden.

     Lory Anderson stood looking out the window of her room at her uncles' house. It had been her room on and off for years, but she had moved in permanently now. It was the highest room in the somewhat cluttered but comfortable house. It was her second favorite room in the house. He favorite room was her Aunt's library. Lory could hide in there reading forever. She checked her outfit once more; brown Fat Baby boots, boot cut jeans, and a t-shirt that proclaimed her a self-rescuing princess.

     Most of her wardrobe had yet to be unpacked and organized. This didn't bother her much as she was fond of comfort and practicality in her personal wardrobe choices. And having all the flashier clothes packed away forced her to choose for those particular traits. If asked to describe herself she would have said she was "devastatingly average". Her brown eyes, medium brown hair and average height made her able to blend in literally anywhere. She played up this particular trait with her theater training. Theatrical make up (including the special effects make up) had been a fascination and thanks to her mother's indulgence she was well stocked and now able to change the appearance of anyone. She had even changed her own appearance and mannerisms so much that she's carried on a five minute conversation with her mother and her mother hadn't know she was talking to her daughter.

     Being "Academy adjacent" - as Lory described it to her Uncles one morning - she had been exposed to and trained in any number of odd ball skills. Well, they would have been odd for a normal 17 girl, but for her they were rather practical skills. She could shoot pretty much any gun you put in her hand and was rated a certified marksman on several of the ones she owned. But she had been living in the middle of nowhere Missouri where wild cats and coyotes were common making the weapon handling a practical skill. She had made her own blend of martial arts, but she was a girl often on her own and not always in nice places - self defense is an extremely practical skill. She excelled at all things associated with food - Cooking; baking; growing fruits,vegetables and herbs. She could even sew when the need arose - tailoring clothes was fun in the right circumstances. Really the only skill she couldn't find a currently practical reason for was the languages she had taught herself. ASL was practical and being able to talk to Lonnie - the best man she had known apart from her uncles - until he died, had been worth the effort. It was the Russian, German and Welsh she had no excuse for learning.

     Now you're just stalling because you don't want to meet this bird you're supposed to be helping. You're afraid to like her and get stuck in one skin for too long.

      She trudged downstairs to see her Uncle Liam manning the stove and making his special eggs. Lory was enamored with the way Uncle Liam made eggs: scrambled with swiss cheese and sauteed mushrooms. They. Were. AWESOME.

     "Ready for your first day?" Uncle Henry asks as Uncle Liam slid the plate of eggs over the breakfast bar to her.

     "I guess," she replied as she began to eat. "I still don't get why they want me there."

    "It boils down to being a favor for the team working at that school. They have a bird working with them. She's a new recruit and could use someone to watch out for her where the dogs on her team can't go. The little bird could use some training and she has some trauma issues to work through. You're a behaviorist. Dr Roberts requested you said you'd made a study of how to work with skittish people."

     "You met this team?" Lory asked in between bites.

      "A few of them," Uncle Liam answers, "Henry met a couple in - what was it September? October? - then the bird and a couple more showed up in November."

     "She was a sweet girl," Aunt Lily declared as she walked in the kitchen.

      "Like them, do you? Must be difficult for her at that school surrounded by boys all the time. How am I even going to this school? It's in a completely different county," Lory questions.

     "We've had you registered at the address of one of the boys that does live in the correct district," Uncle Henry answered.

     Lory's uncle James entered the kitchen and Lory brightened up

     "So...Uncle James," was as far as she got before she was cut off by five voices simultaneously saying "No!"

    "C'mon! I'll be good. You taught me to ride it yourself, Uncle James!"

     "No, Lory."

      "Can't I at least take the Triumph?"

      "No, I can't keep it going."

      "Well what am I supposed to take then? The bus doesn't come out here and I can't drive the Buick!" Lory cried.

      "Why not?" William asked in his gruff tone as he poured himself a coffee.

      "It was mom's," Lory shrugged uncomfortably.

      "Oh sweetie," Lily sighed before moving to cuddle her niece. "I think you should take it. She left it to you to use. She knew you loved it and she wanted you to drive it, not just let it sit in the garage."

       Lily gently closed Lory's fingers around the keys. Lory huffed out a breath and nodded before thanking her aunt with a hug. She gave out hugs as she grabbed her bag.

      "Ashley Waters, here I come," Lory said with a slightly wobbly smile.

       "Good girl," Lily said with a smile.

       Once she got into the familiar car, Lory closed her eyes and shifted her spine. She had decided which version of herself to be and "got into character". She had decided since she was going in as herself and not "undercover" to just be herself. She was by nature abrupt, bluntly honest, and slightly inappropriate. She could be brash and comfortable in her own skin. Maybe. Too bad it was all a front. She knew as little about herself as anyone else in Charleston.

       She plugged her phone into the upgraded radio and hit play. Icon for Hire's "Watch Me" came spilling out of the speakers and Lory began singing along. She briefly considered changing her name as well, but after a few minutes of considering she decided about the time she hit the highway that she would stick with Lory.

       If I'm going to be in my own skin I may as well own it. Lets see what kind of waves I can make at Ashley Waters.

AN: Only Lory is mine. Constructive criticism is welcome, flames will be used to make S'mores. Happy Reading. 

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