"Taking Care of Business" by Bachman-Turner Overdrive

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AN: Happy Wednesday. Still only claim Lory! Constructive criticism is welcome, flames will be used to make S'mores. Happy Reading.

*~*~* Gabriel *~*~*

I knew she didn't fucking belong here! She looked enough like she did, but dammit to hell her tits weren't hanging out enough for her to really belong in this shit hole of a school. No one and - I do mean no-fucking-one - looks like she does but blends in to the point of invisibility without doing it on purpose. And Lory has been invisible. Not one of the rejects in this place has given her more than a second glance and you can damn near see them forget all about her the minute she passes! Even Kota and North - paranoid fuckers that they are - dismissed her beyond noticing a new student. And, apart from trying to figure out why her clothes bother me so damn much, I wasn't really interested in anything she did either. Until she waltzed up and started talking to my Trouble.

Then we ALL fucking paid attention to her. Seeing her walk into the middle of our team and walk straight to our bird was like....Shit, I'm not sure what the hell that was like. But it wasn't like meeting a typical Academy bird. She didn't try and act like she the shit and we needed to do what she wanted. It's like she belonged.

Now, Me, Luke and Trouble are the Three Amigos, where one goes the others do, too. But you knew the minute Luke and Lory met that something shifted in the group. It was like standing on the beach watching an oncoming hurricane. Chaos meets Mayhem and created the perfect storm. If I didn't know better I'd say she was related to Luke, the way they clicked. Something about her struck me as belonging like the three amigos just became the four horsemen and it is fucking terrifying.

But what really has me quaking in my boots is the thought of an academy bird -- and nope that still doesn't sit right with me in reference to Lory -- calling my Trouble her "little sister". Nope. Over my dead fucking body is she going onto a girl team.

*~*~* Lory *~*~*

God, I hate this school. It's the most god-awful hell-hole of a school ever. I can't believe I agreed to do this.

The second I show my interest in the Academy group the crazies come crawling out of the friggin' woodwork. No, like the minute I walked out of the courtyard some sleazoid tried coping a feel and asking if I was into "kinky shit" like "Sing-Sang-Song". He offered to help me out with that. I helped to introduce him to the floor. I love Krav Maga. Asshat. So I left his dumb ass there crying for his momma. That sort of persuaded his brute squad to leave me alone.

Then, some sort of clique of wanna be queen bees decided they were going to start talking shit about Sang and how she was some kind of slut to keep all the boys hovering around her. That always twists my tits. People who don't know her always talk shit about Aunt Lily behind her back. I couldn't let it pass.

"Wow, thats amazing, I bet you haven't managed to speak three words to Sang, much less get the attention of the guys she hangs with. And that just chafes your ass, doesn't it? You think you should be the HMFIC of this school with all your goodies on display. But let me tell you, I for one want her secret. 'Cause if she can keep that walking Calvin Klein ad paying attention to her? I don't mind taking tips, besides I can't see being too upset by what the school bike has to say about me. Cause I don't know about Sang, But I've been called worse by much better people."

Yeah, it didn't endear me to them. She and her minions decided to walk off in a huff, but felt the need to shoulder check me. I rolled with it, after taking note of who I was talking to. I did eventually get my ID and caught up to Sang and the guys leaving after lunch. I chatted briefly with North as I helped shunt the more annoying creepers away from Sang. I sat a little closer to Sang that day in geometry. I figured by Friday I'd be sitting nearby in all the classes we had together. I could see what all the fuss with Sang was about. She obviously didn't think as much of herself as the boys thought of her and I thought that was good thing. It meant she appreciated the awesomeness of the guys she had, but she was a lovely, lovely person. I had barely met her and I was protective.

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