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our home room teacher , Mr Williams , isn't strict at all so he let's do what we want during the half an hour he has us for. we can go on our phones , eat food , talk etc. so when Caleb comes in i know i'll be able to talk to him.
less than five minutes later he comes strolling in through the door and lowers himself into his chair next to me. i felt nervous to ask him for some reason. why do i feel nervous it's not a date my brothers are literally gonna be there and it's a party nothing personal.
'um Caleb?' i say quietly whilst tapping him on the shoulder to get his attention.
he looks up from his phone 'yeh?'
'so...well... basically my brother Rio is in college and his friend from a frat house is having a party on Saturday and i was wondering if you wanted to come with me?' i blurt out as fast as i can to get it over with.
'ooo a college party , sounds great Valley i'll pick you up at 8pm?' he says smoothly with his arm around my chair.
'sure sounds good!' i say a little too excited and turn to face forward again.

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