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i wake up earlier than usual this morning to go for a run before school starts. usually i wouldn't dream of doing this but i've been feeling really productive recently. so i put on a t-shirt and shorts and head out at 530am.
i get back around 6am and go inside to get a shower and get ready. deciding to dress comfier today as i'm more tired than usual i put on sweats and a cute crop top, i like wearing crop tops to show my belly button piercing it's definitely my favourite piercing i have.
picture of outfit below

getting in Matteos car i ask him if we can stop by starbucks

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getting in Matteos car i ask him if we can stop by starbucks. he takes abit of persuading but finally gives in and agrees to take me. when we get there i see exactly what i was hoping to. Caleb. he was sat with the usual group we hang out with so i decided to go over and say hi. they all invite me to sit down so i do and we all talk about the up coming football game tomorrow night. i've never experienced a high school football game but they seem really fun in the movies so hopefully it's the same in real life. i look down at my phone and see a text from Matteo saying we need to leave to make sure i'm not late so i meet him in the car outside.
'so what's going on with you and that boy?' he says the second i sit down in the passenger seat.
'hey how do you know about that?!' i yell whilst hitting him playfully.
'well i heard you raving about him on the phone to Elio last night.' his voice softens at the mention of Elio. he loved him just as much as i did.
'ugh well....' i tell Matteo everything about Caleb (except the part about him being a massive player) because i trust him and usually tell him all of my gossip anyways.
'well i can tell you really like him so i wanna meet him.' he states firmly.
'ummm i could ask if he wants to come to that party Rio was talking about the other day?'
my brother Rio who is 19 and in college right now , invited me and Matteo to this massive frat party that's happening on Saturday night.
'sounds good i'll tell Rio.' he says as i get out of the car. i wave him goodbye as he pulls away and make my way into school. Caleb and i sit next to eachother in home room so i'll just wait until then to ask him if he wants to come to the party.

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