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Walking into starbucks with Matteo, Marco and Alessandro (Alessandro is 18 , Matteo is 22 and Marco is the same age as me, 16)i spot Oliver and Caleb sat in a group of around 5 boys. i could already tell they were the popular guys everyone loves. do i wave or is it too soon like are we even classed as friends yet?? well Oliver said he'd look for me at school but maybe he was just being nice and doesn't actually want to be friends? i push the shyness away and decide to be confident by waving at their table followed by a genuine smile. i try to look as approachable as possible around new people so making friends is easier. to my relief Oliver smiled and waved back causing a few confused glances between me and him from the other boys at the table. thankfully i was next in line to order so i could escape the awkward staring contest. i ordered my usual iced almond milk latte as i'm vegan so i've gotta substitute the milk but that's fine for me i don't mind. my brothers are boring so they all get iced teas instead. i hate tea.
we all get our drinks and make our way over to a table.
Oliver POV
'woah who's that?' Jackson said looking past my head towards the door of the coffee shop we were in ,catching up before school. i turn my head to see the italian girl who's dog ran into our yard the other night. Valentina. Pretty name and a very pretty girl.
'Oh that's Calebs crush from down the street.' i smirk looking at Caleb whilst his jaw clenches.
i can tell he has a crush on her by the way he was acting when we first met her. usually he's really smooth and can talk to girls way better than me but he was frozen on friday night. i haven't seen him this love struck since elementary school. he can't really keep a girl for more than a week these days. commitment issues i guess.
the whole group turns to Caleb and mocks him by going 'ooooo' in sync.
'oh shut up i don't have a crush on her' he says dismissively. i decide to push his buttons.
'hmmm well it's probably for the best one of those guys with her is probably her boyfriend.' i say trying not to laugh as i see his head scan the room looking for the boys she's with to make sure i'm not lying. i see his eyes lock on her as she waves and smiles. i wave back politely and return the smile.
caleb POV
why is she here with like 3 guys? after Oliver's comment he said to make me jealous i glanced around the room looking for Valentina to see her laughing with a group of boys who all looked around 18-20. I recognise one of them is her brother who came to get her the other night but i've never seen the other two before . They were both tall and tanned with tattoos. Valentina seemed really shy and sweet when she met us the other night so i was surprised to
see her with guys like that. i felt a pang of jealously in my chest and realised my jaw was tight. why do i feel like this i barely know the girl. maybe Oliver's right i'm not saying i have a whole 'crush' on her but i'll admit her style is really cool and she is definitely gonna be the best looking girl in our grade now. that used to be my ex girlfriend loren but let's just say if only her personality was as pretty as her face.

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