♡locker fight♡

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After english i had maths where i met a boy called Mattia who is also Italian which is comforting however he didn't speak much Italian but i promised i would teach him sometime.
I was on my way to the cafeteria to hopefully find Oliver and his group to have lunch with them when i see Caleb attacking what looked like a locker(???) further down the hallway. I could hear occasionally grunts and yells as he threw hard punches at the cold metal. picking up my pace into a slight jog towards him , i shouted his name to get his attention.
his head slowly turned to look at me as i was now stood next to him.
'what.' he spat angrily. even though i was taken aback by his rudeness i still wanted to help him.
'are you okay , what's happened?' i saw softly placing a hand on his shoulder to comfort him.he glanced at my hand on his shoulder and shook it off.
'HOW ABOUT YOU MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!' he bellows at me causing me to flinch and take a step back. he realises he scared me and his facial expression turns soft for a split second before i turn on my heel and strut away with fake confidence trying to hold back the tears in my eyes. i was just trying to help.

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