♡long distance phone calls♡

14 1 1

song for this chapter ~ Paint Me Silver by Pond

'val.'Elios voice echoes through the phone sending a shooting pain through my chest.
'hey babez.'i say in a friendly way (we would always call our friends that back home)
'are you okay you sound stressed bub?' he laughes lightly. i let out a sigh of relief and realise he just wants to chat otherwise he would've said something already he's very to the point.
'yeh i'm fine i was just worried when i saw your text like maybe something had happened?' i reply more calm now.
'no no everything is good nonni says hi though.' he says the last part sadly.
'well i hope you're taking good care of her babe.' i say jokingly trying to lighten the mode.
'of course luv.' Elio thinks he can do an amazing British accent.
'i see your British accent is still improving!' i tease.
'excusseee meee it always has been and always will be perfect!' he gasps acting offended.
'well-' i start to say when i here a noise behind me and see Caleb leaning on a wall listening.
'listen i've gotta go but i'll facetime you tomorrow yeh?' i quickly say.
'ok love you bye.' he says sweetly.
'love you too.' i say back whilst bring the phone away from my ear to end the call.
Calebs POV
'love you too.' she replies back into her phone. who could she be saying that to? her brother? her dad? i don't think her mom is alive because she never talks about her but maybe she's just abroad and that was her on the phone?
'who was that?' i question walking towards her.
'the same person who texted me earlier.' she says as i sit down next to her. she just told her ex that she loves him. great.
'so you're back together?' i say in a low voice to avoid it breaking.
'nononono why do you think that silly.' she laughs.
i give her a confused look and say 'because you just told him you love him?'
'Caleb, i've known him since i was born and we dated for three years...' wow three years and i can't even keep a girl for three days. 'so it's like me saying i love you to Lola for example. i'm trying to say it was in a friend way.' a feeling of relief travels through my body as i exhale. i'm still not too happy with her being that close with a boy but he's in Italy so i'm not that upset for the time being. why am i acting like she's my girlfriend? i shouldn't be this protective over her. but i am.
Valentinas POV
i'm so relieved me and Elio are back on best friend terms now. this means i don't have to let him go completely but i can still move on. and i'm happy with that. i've known him too long to be in a relationship with him and it was good for awhile but it just doesn't work now. i'm sat on a bench with Caleb and we have just been chatting about Italy since Elio put us on the topic. we both turn around swiftly when we hear Tyler open the back door and look over to where we are sat.'
'oh for f*** sake' i here Caleb mumble to himself when he realises who it is. i giggle when i hear him say this causing him to start laughing pretty hard.
'what are you two laughing at so much.' Tyler smiles trying to get into the conversation. he's kinda killed the vibe to be honest.
' i think i'm gonna go inside and find Lola i've been out here for ages she's probably worried.' i tell him while getting up from where i'm sat next to Caleb.
'same.' Caleb says standing up and snaking an arm around my waist making my heart rate increase alarmingly. we both walk back into the house leaving Tyler outside , i felt bad for ditching him but i'm sure he won't take it to heart.
'i'm gonna go get another drink.' i whisper in Calebs ear , his arm still around my waist.
'here i'll come with you.' he says offering his hand out for me to hold. i accept and when our hands touch there's a rush i've only felt with Elio before. yup i definitely like him. damn it.
it was now around 2am and the party was starting to die down. it's so depressing when it gets to this point, everyone just loses all energy and the vibes feel so wrong.
'i'm walking home now.' i inform the small amount of us left at the party which is me, Caleb , Jackson , Noah , Megan and Ben (it was Bens party also Oliver and Lola had left earlier so my ride had already gone).
'no no i'll drive you baby.' slurs a tipsy Caleb.
'baby?' i chuckle
'yup that's what you're in my phone as look.' he says showing me his phone and yep there's my number under the name 'baby💞' it was pretty cute but then i realised there's probably about 29 other girls in his phone under some variation of that.
'awh very cute caycay, but you can't drive me you're drunk however, i'll walk with you though maybe it will sober you up.' i suggest grabbing is hand pulling him off the ground from where he was sat.
'okay Valley baby lets go.' he nods cutely grabbing my hand and leading me outside.

Italy to New JerseyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora