♡new neighbourhood ♡

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After digging Delgados leash and collar out of a rubble of belongings in the trunk of the jeep , we set off out of the drive way onto the pavement. I was wearing one of my dads t shirts which was obviously very oversized on me loosley tucked into some nike pro shorts as even though it's around 9pm in NJ it's still fairly humid. all of the houses surrounding the path we were walking on looked very similar to ours but they all had at least one difference making each unique in its own way.
'OUCH!' i exclaim as my arm feels as though it's being yanked out of its socket. i'm dragged out of my daydream by Delgado and into some random drive way of my neighbours. i soon realise why he dragged me here as i see two teenage boys around my age playing basket ball. Del charges towards the ball forcing me to let go of my grip on his leash. I sprint as fast as i can towards him my heart racing and cheeks flushed ,i watch the two boys turn to look at me. One of them picks up the ball and holds it under his arm while the other one laughs and strokes an excited Delgado. I was more drawn to the one with my dog in his arms because he had the best smile i'd ever seen and a laugh that makes u want to laugh and be happy with him. The other one seemed abit more stand off ish but maybe he was just shocked or isn't too fond of dogs.
'oh my gosh i am SO sorry he just rly likes to play, i should've controlled him im really sor-' i stuttered in my thick accent ,that i was now becoming more aware of realising people will speak differently here, before the one with Delgado cut me off.
'no no don't worry about it he seems harmless and it's completely fine i love dogs.' he smiles up at me. he gets up and offers his hand out which i accept and shake gently. his hands were warm and about three times the size of mine which is expected as i estimate he is around 5,11 and i'm 5,1.
'i'm Oliver and this is my twin brother Caleb.' he stated gesturing towards the quiet boy with the ball.
i smile and nod at both of them showing i'm listening. now i'm really looking at them not focusing on my hyper dog i can see they are definitely twins, both with floppy hazel hair with matching hazel eyes. both are very muscular (they have those stereotypical American high school football quarterback vibes).
'Hi i'm Valentina , i just moved in down the street' i say whilst pointing vaguely in the direction of my new house ' number 46 i believe'
'ah that's probably why i haven't seen you around, where are you from?' Oliver responds. Caleb still remains silent with a bored expression on his face. i try not to judge him too quickly as you never know what's going on in someone's life but he seems like he's being unnecessarily rude and i'm not one to make an effort with people like that. not a fan of wasting my time.
'Northern Italy , it's my first time here in America but it seems good so far.' oh my gosh what if he took that in a flirty way oh no aaaah why am i like this.
his expression turned to more of smirk as i said this showing me he did in fact take it in a flirty way. well at least they will think i'm confident? or just a massive flirt ugh.
' well Oliver and i have lived here our whole lives and it's not that great hate to break it to ya' Caleb says followed by a soft punch on the shoulder from Oliver. wow the first thing that comes out his mouth is a negative comment? i can't say i'm suprised.
' look who finally decided to pipe up!' Oliver chirped sarcastically making me laugh.
'oh shut up-' Caleb begins to say before i hear my name being called.
'VAL!' my youngest brother Marco yells . when i say youngest he's still older than me but only by a couple of months making us in the same grade at school.
'oh that's one of my brothers sorry i've got to go, it was really nice meeting you though. what school do you guys go to?' i quickly blurt out in a rush.
'Meadow Hill High' Oliver speaks up once again whilst Caleb remains silent just staring at me. weird.
'oh that's where i'm starting on Monday maybe i'll see you guys around?' i say hopefully whilst walking backwards awkwardly down their drive way towards Marco.
'yeh for sure i'll keep an eye out for you and it was nice meeting you too!' Oliver shouts as i'm now almost back on the path in front of their house.
i nod and wave then turn to make my way towards my brother.
'who were they?' Marco asks with a smug look on his face.
'oh shut up i met them five minutes ago when this little rascal ran into their yard.' i say whilst stroking Delgado.

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