♡first party♡

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The second the bell rang for last period to end i grabbed Lolas hand and we sprinted out of the locker rooms hand in hand speeding towards her car. we needed to get home fast so we could spend at least 3 hours getting ready for the party. I'd been to Lolas house a couple times this week already so we could just go straight in and start getting ready as i already knew the place.
at around 945 we were both ready (the party started at 9 but we went at 10 because everyone knows the first hour is always dead because everyone is just showing up).

Valentinas outfit

Valentinas outfit

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Lolas outfit

'i'm so excited!' i yell in the passenger seat whilst applying one last layer of lipgloss in the mirror

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'i'm so excited!' i yell in the passenger seat whilst applying one last layer of lipgloss in the mirror.
'me tooo!!!' Lola screams in response. i love how we are both so overly excited about this.
' i haven't been to a party since Italy girl!' i complain. parties have been my favourite thing ever since i was tiny. however this my first one without Elio. i'm not saying i can't do stuff or have fun by myself , but it's gonna be so weird without him there.
'hey what's wrong?' Lola says softly placing her free hand on mine her other one on the wheel.
'oh it's just my first party without my ex i was telling you about. i'm not sad just kinda nervous.' i admit. i've told her about Elio before so she knows how much i miss him.
'BABEZ WE GON FIND YOU A NEW ELIO!' she screams ecstatically. now that i think of it a new guy would be nice someone i don't know much about seems exciting ,with Elio i knew every single detail of his life because i lived it all with him.
'WE'RE HERREEE!' Lola exclaims.
'WOOOO' i scream back at her.
~start playing Into It by Chase Atlantic~
Lolas acrylic nails dug into my arm and she used me to steady her balance in her heels. i would've worn heels but then i wouldn't have been able to dance. but seeing how badly Lola is coping with them already they'll be off and she'll be dancing in bare feet like most of the other girls who wore heels.
the door of the house which the party was in was wide open so we just walked right in.
the familiar smell of tobacco and ethanol flooded my senses. i signal to Lola that i'm going for a drink and she tells me to get her a vodka coke while she looks for Dallas. as i'm walking over to the drinks table alone my phone buzzes in my hand.

elio❤️: i miss you too much ti can i call you? 
my heart starts pounding against my chest like it's trying to get out. i stand staring at the notification for a solid minute before shoving my phone in my purse and going straight for the coronas. making Lolas vodka coke was easy just 2 shots of vodka and the rest coke in a disposable red cup.
calebs POV
the whole time i've been here i've been staring at the door waiting for Valley. she's probably one of those who comes an hour after it starts to fill up. finally at 10 i see her and Lola walk in. she looks amazing. they have a short conversation then part ways , Lola heading towards Dallas and Valley to the drinks table. i take the opportunity of her being alone to go and talk to her but when i stand up i see her look down at her phone and freeze completely. it's like time stopped. her hand was clasped over her mouth and i could see the hand holding her phone shaking. did she just get a text that someone died? a text from a dead relative? after being paralysed in shock for a good amount of time she throws her phone in her purse and starts making a drink.
Valentinas POV
i can't believe this is happening. we swore we wouldn't do this it would only make it harder. that must mean he's really missing me. yes i do miss him but not as much as i thought i would. i'm pretty sure i'm catching feelings for Caleb. even though i really shouldn't i might give him a chance. might.
'who just texted you Valley.' i hear Calebs voice demand from behind me.
'um just somebody i used to know...do you want a drink?' i ask trying to change the subject.
'nah i've already got one thanks though.' he lifts up his corona sounding not fully convinced.
'omg snap!' i say clinking our beers together. he let out a genuine laugh at my joke and it was the cutest thing i've ever seen. i love when this happens, when he forgets that reputation he has and shows his soft side. maybe if i knew the reason why he's such a player i could help him get over it and then he'd be this amazing happy boy all of the time.
'what are you thinking about.' he asks curiously.
'you.' i say flirtatiously before taking a swig of my drink. his face lights up and he does the same but i can see him smiling as the drink hits his lips.

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