♡english class♡

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'Hello!' an older woman's voice chirped causing the whole class to look in my direction. ' you must be Miss Giordano! come on in and introduce yourself to the class!' this women seemed very passionate about her job and i like that in teachers it makes you feel like they care.
'Umm... hi my name is Valentina Giordano i just moved here from Northern Italy and i'm a Junior.' i added that last part so they knew why i wasn't in any of their other classes not to brag i'm smart or anything like that.
all eyes were on me and i could feel my cheeks turning a lovely shade of beetroot.
'Oh wow Italy that's very interesting, well you can go and take a seat next to Megan.' she said pointing towards an empty seat next to a girl with ginger hair and colourful eyeshadow. once we got talking Megan seemed really cool also i love her makeup and style. it turns out she's pretty popular in her grade and invited me to a party the coming Friday. i thought back to the endless amounts of parties back home and how much i'm gonna miss them so i decided to see if American parties could fill the void and say yes to her invite which caused her to let out a squeal of excitement.
'OMG yes i'm so exited give me your number and i will text you the details!' she almost yelled out of happiness. i love positive people like her who always make people smile and get excited over the little things like i do. plus  having a friend in the grade above could be helpful.

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