Chapter 55: Annes Child

Start from the beginning


Holding his hand tightly, Thomas gripped my hand back. I can't believe Anne would just leave and not even tell us!

Lucien sat back tapping his foot and looking highly agitated, from what I've learned, he's trying to have a child, him and Vydia, so I can see how he'd be frustrated and angry.

Ace was sitting with Nathan, both of them quiet and it was clear they knew this was something Katie would do.

Viktor and Judah decided to fly, and I couldn't see Viks face but I knew he was furious.

They all were pretty angry, I was more worried than angry. Jeffrey was talking low with Thomas about Lily and Anne having each other's backs. That they'd be safe or whatever.

Michael didn't seem too worried, and I remembered the ring. Anne won't be killed, she's got the ring on. She'll be okay.

My Annalise will be okay.


I woke to the sound of shouting and then a whipping of air, the heavy cries for my name.

Blinking my eyes a few times, I stared around, taking my surroundings in and noting the fact most of the plane was entirely gone. Only parts lingered.

Everyone was falling, we were all falling.

Oh shit.

We're going to hit the streets!

I grabbed the first person nearest to me, and let my wings split from my back, Vydia held my hand tightly before she reached and grabbed Lincoln's hand.

He grabbed Katie's, who grabbed Lana's, who took Emma's and then the floor got too close.

Way too close.

I felt the gust, his wings.

Giving my wings one thrust, I watched Dayna grip Emma's hand before I sprung them into the sky. My eyes landed on him, his dark glowing eyes and his body red like a beast.

He had one long tail with a spear like point at the end and his tail wrapped tightly around Lily, holding her unconscious body up as he lightly flew across from me.

I held the ground with one hand and he eyed the last, Dayna, before he sprung down and plucked her from my chain.

Emma screamed "Dayna!" and I watched the beast fly off before he sprung Dayna with Lily higher.

"Shit!" Emma shouted "We can't follow him Anne! You can't follow him! He jammed our plane, he's too strong! Just wait!" Lincoln called up to me.

But my body and my bones still shook, the smell of Lily, it clung to my nose, I wanted nothing more than to fly and risk everything for her.

My heart hung in my chest before I slowly flew down to the top of an old building. As I lowered, they all let go and laid on their backs or sat sighing and breathing rapidly, everyone was shaken up.

He was warning us.

I could feel it.

"I don't think he wants to kill us. I think he was warning us." I said letting my wings drag over the ground.

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