A laugh slipped my mouth, "Oh no, he's got some serious daddy issues. That and I'm sure he's in love with little miss perfect." I said yacking as I said it.

Lisa laughed, "Who? Lana?" She asked while I stared at her confused.

Since when is Lana more perfect than Anne? "No, Anne. Lana isn't perfect, she's like, well she's a bit like a beautiful train wreck continuing to maul everything in its path and unable to stop its self destructive ways. She'll die when this is all over." I said thoughtfully knowing Lisa isn't fond of Lana anyways.

She gave a small nod, "I think the same thing. It's why I'm so annoyed about Valdus being so close to her. He's going to die if he sticks with her, she's cursed." To me, they're all cursed.

A knock came to the door before it opened, Jessa walked in with a small smile, "Sorry to bother you both but dinners ready and Viktor wants us all to sit together." She said softly.

I put the paper rolls down and smiled over at her, "Thank you Jess. We'll be there. Make sure Niko knows to be there. I think he went to shower." I said watching her nod and go out the door.

Lisa and I headed out the door and down the hall, "What do you know about Viktor? He seems so anal." Lisa said looking to me.

I didn't know much about Viktor, I knew he loved a woman and she just died. I also know he loves his wife very much, and sobbed when she finally let him sleep in the same bed with her again. I also know Valdus is his favorite son, and Lucien is his brains.

But most of all, he loves Vydia as if she was his own daughter.

"I know he's a good guy." I admitted while she gave a nod.

Pulling the double doors open, I went in noticing a lot of the people in the dining hall all sitting at the tables laughing and talking while eating and drinking.

It felt like Vangsvere all over again.

I stared at the table with Anne sitting beside Michael, both of them smiling and stealing kisses with one another. Kris had Eva in a headlock laughing while she continued to taunt him. Lincoln was talking with Koda and Lucien, Jessa talked with Vydia and Lily. Ryker was playing cards with Ace and Valdus and Lana was gossiping with Katie. Even Amelia, Rosie and Jameson sat there at that table.

The simple moment, as small and insignificant as it may have seemed, was a precious and priceless gem for me.

I've craved the opportunity to sit with these idiots.

Grabbing a tray of food, I thanked Melissa and went to the table sitting down beside Rosie who gave me a small smirk. Koda stopped talking and stared across the table, catching my stare and smiling. He was happy to see me here too.

Anne leaned over and tossed a packaged cookie to my tray, "As a welcome back gift." She said before looking back to Michael.

My heart stumbled, conflicted with wanting to hate her.

Emma reached over the table grabbing Jameson's tray, "Stop pouting like a broody vampire. God you're always so depressed." She said taking his fruit cup and handing him his tray back.

He stared at the tray with annoyance before looking at her, "I'm not gloomy." He said defensively.

Lily knudged his shoulder, "You're pretty gloomy." She said staring up at him. He gave her a small scowl before looking to Kris, "Am I gloomy?" Kris stared from Lisa to Jameson and nodded, "Yeah, you're pretty fucking gloomy." He replied.

They all laughed while Jameson sat with his small rain cloud.

I laughed and looked up at one of the tables, most of the other Viper brothers sitting down together, talking and laughing. Even Roscoe was with them, but he looked really badly beat up. I'm sure they did that.

Vangsvere Retold Where stories live. Discover now