Chapter 25

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Ash lay on top of the covers and stared up at the oak-panelled ceiling, as the shadows within his tiny room retreated. A new day had begun and he had been awake for most of the night, unable to settle down his wayward thoughts and ever-changing emotions. Excited one moment and apprehensive the next. Emma always invaded his mind, confusing him even more. Did she like him or not? He gave up in the end, pondering Leon's peculiar reaction towards Rose yesterday.


When Ash came out from the library he noticed Leon lazing against the opposite wall, grinning at a bunch of Gabriel girls, giggling and whispering together when they passed him. That trademark Leon smug expression abruptly fell away when Ash held the door open for Rose. He jumped up straight and glared at her. When she caught the big man's gaze, she instantly excused herself and disappeared rapidly down the corridor.

Leon didn't explain and acted as if nothing happened, dragging Ash down the grand staircase towards the Gym.

"Come on Ashy-boy, let's make you a warrior!"


Ash rolled over and curled up into a ball, hugging his pillow tight against his body. Closing his eyes to try and sleep again.

A knock at the door drew him out of his stupor. He stared towards the sound and waited for another, but only silence followed.

Leon said he would call on him early, to start his weapon training. But surely not this early. He dismissed the knock for the oddities and sounds of old buildings and let out a small moan of frustration and changed his posture to get more comfortable, puffing up his pillow.

He turned over and closed his eyes, as a sudden chill gripped his chest making the hairs on his body tingle and stand on end. Instantly the crystal fired up against his skin.

He blinked his eyes open slipping a hand around the crystal in fear, just as his door exploded with a thunderous crash. He sat up and cried out in horror; pieces of wood and plaster fell from the ceiling into the middle of the room, just missing the bed and his head.

Spluttering and coughing he rubbed his eyes and stared in amazement through the dust. Aimee stood in the doorway her hands on her hips, her eyes consumed in white fire.

"Bloody hell Aimee, why did you do that?" he yelled. "You just had to say it was you and I would have opened it. Look at it all! Look at my room! What's wrong with you?"

Her eyes flickered and changed back to their natural icy shade, though she still stared accusingly at him. Her rage-fuelled face was as much evidence as his ruined door. Ash shot out of his bed towards the far corner, and stayed out of her reach, the crystal smouldering, indicating he was still in peril.

What have I done now?

"Stop you're whining, and get dressed in your gym clothes." She pointed to his wardrobe, not an ounce of remorse in her tone.

He let go of the crystal and peered down at his bare chest, as it faded back to dull magenta and cooled. He let out a soft sigh.

Safe again...danger over...

He could feel her eyes on him, watching as he opened his oak wardrobe.

Why was everything in the building made of bloody oak?

Trying to ignore his semi-naked form, he quickly snatched his sportswear, some navy blue bottoms and a gym top from the clothes rail and caught her checking him. No way was he going to show her any modesty, she could stare all she liked. Though he was thankful he still had his briefs on.

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