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For Freya- and the boys- the week just got better. She made a snapchat and they were constantly messaging each other, and sending stupid photos.

Michael and Mali had never been so happy for them.

Freya couldn't wait to tell Ashton either.

Michael picked her up from university and took her back to his work, giving her a token for a snack while she waited for Ashton.

The ticking clock didn't annoy her. The clipping of heels didn't annoy her. Hell, the guy reading a newspaper with her face on only annoyed her a little bit.

She scrunched up the chocolate bar wrapper and threw it in the bin, heading to the bathroom before the appointment. Personally, she thought she didn't look her best after an exhausting week at uni, but she'd never felt so good.

She went and washed her hands, drying them with a paper towel before going out to the waiting room again.

She yelped as Ashton was sat in her seat, a smile on his face.

"I thought you'd ran off,"

"Where? You can't leave this place without being let in and out,"

"Come on,"

She followed him to his office and helped herself to a bottle of water from the fridge, plonking down on the sofa opposite.

"How would you rate this week?"

"It was really good,"

A weight from Ashton's shoulders was lifted, and he smiled, squeezing her shoulder.

"I went back that second day because you did it. You finished and got a job,"

"You did?" he said, "That's really incredible. How did everyone react in general?"

"Well some people threw things at me, and stayed away from me apart from Addison and Taya. The next day I went back in and then at lunch, Cal and Luke brought their friends too. Someone put a newspaper infront if me but Harley hit them back with it,"

The pair of them stifled a laugh and Freya looked down, fiddling with her shoe lace.

"It's died down now. I have my friends and that's okay,"

"That's what I was like with Michael. It's a good thing to think,"

"Has my dad contacted you at all?"

"No, sorry sweetheart. Do you still want that?"

"No. I just wondered. Have you been okay?"

"I have been. Naomi and I are working hard on getting you and Luke a flat here- it's getting there,"

"I don't like not living with Luke,"

"It makes is even more special when you see him at uni then, ay?"

"He was really brave the other day. His friends asked where him and Cal met,"

"Did you make sure he was okay once he'd told them?"

"Yeah. We text every day. I'm working really hard in class as well, and Michael helps me. I know how to cook as well,"

Ashton felt warm inside. Not only because she had gone through a very dramatic change, but also because he remembered this conversation with his therapist.

He remembered his first week out, and all the skills he learnt again when he was back home with his mum.

"I missed you, promise you'll visit?" Freya said, launching into a hug.

"I promise,"

She held Ashton tightly, having not seen him all week- she hoped he never left her life. Ashton held her tightly back so that she didn't fall off the sofa, and because he was so proud of her.

None of this was easy.

And though he fought it as well as he could, a tear ran down his face. It had made him remember his time a little too much, but he was proud of himself too.

"We'll both be recovering forever ay? But you've got this,"

"Are you crying?"

"A single tear Freya, don't get too excited,"

She giggled and sat back, leaning on the sofa.

"I'm excited for life,"

"Do you think we can make it to the restaurant for dessert?" Ashton smiled, grabbing his car keys, "let's see,"

At the restaurant, everyone sat around chatting, eating good food with good company.

"Here's to a week of uni!"

Calum and Luke clinked coke glasses and grinned, finishing their drinks along with their meals. Both of them had had an amazing night; the only thing that could've made it better was if Freya was here.

She couldn't help that though, and had been so excited to see Ashton.

"I hope you two have a nice weekend," Avery said, "this week was so brave of you,"

Luke blushed and Calum smiled- he was really proud of himself.

His phone buzzed and he saw a text from an unknown number, reading it a couple of times until it sunk in.

"I got a job!"

Luke pat his back and then hugged him, knowing a job was the one thing he'd wanted from all of this.

"You got a job?" Freya said, sitting down on the empty chair. Luke jumped and let out a cheer, Ashton quietly slipping out. He knew they were good company.

"This calls for desserts," Taya said, Mark seconding.

So they all ordered desserts, because who was going to stop them?

Michael briefly caught up with Luke- who was ecstatic to see him- before taking Freya home from the meal, while Mali picked up the boys, who were glowing.

"Mali, I got the job,"

"That's so great," she smiled, "we'll go through the important parts together,"

"Thankyou for letting us go tonight,"

"You guys deserve it. Trust me, do as much as you can. These years are gonna go fast,"

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