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Luke woke up startled, his chest aching. It was the morning, so he could get up unsuspiciously, but he'd had a bad dream.

He hadn't had one in the hospital, but things had changed again.

Freya was fast asleep, and he knew better than to wake her up, so he carefully climbed out the bed and looked on the mirror. His skin was pale, and his hair was all messed up. It flopped over his face, almost reaching his shoulders.

Since he couldn't decide how he felt about it, he just left it.

He could hear his mum clattering about downstairs, and went into the bathroom, surprised to see the cabinet door open. His mum was one to get annoyed about those things, so he shut it.

On his way downstairs, he heard Freya mumbling, but most likely sleep talking.

"You're up late," his mum said.

"I've not slept well since I left the hospital,"

"It's just different. I know you're better,"

Luke tried to convince himself that it was a nice comment, but it was quite stubborn. It was more suggesting that he had nothing wrong anymore, which wasn't true.

Recovery went at your own pace- he remembered that.

"What are you doing today?"

"Freya and I might watch a movie,"

"You need to call your brothers,"

"No I don't,"

"Well that's not very nice of you,"

They weren't very nice to him, he thought. He remembered the taunting about his weight, and for crying a lot. They made fun of him for being scared of things, and for never having a girlfriend.

Every opportunity they had, they took it.

"I'm not ready, mum,"

"Yes you are,"

As the phone started ringing, Luke slumped onto the chair. Michael had spent countless sessions working through the family, and assuring him that leaving his brothers out of his life was he best decision. Mum herself had said it wasn't working out, so for her to do this was weird.

"Hey mum," Jack said, making me go to stand. However, mum took a tight grip on my wrist, making me stay.

"Hey Jack, Luke has come home and we wanted to call,"

"Oh, hey Luke,"


"You out the psycho ward for good?"

"It's not," he started, seeing his mum raise her eyebrows, "Yeah,"

"Nice. I'll let you call Ben,"

"Tell him about your week," mum said, passing the phone to me. I swallowed, no words coming out my mouth.

"I have to go, mum. I'll call later,"

When it ended, she let go of his wrist, scoffing.

"What was that about?"


"I paid good money for you to have that treatment, start using some of those skills,"

Luke felt himself tearing up, Freya's footsteps breaking his thoughts. She perched on the chair next to him, yawning with a slight smile.

She had heard what Liz said, and didn't think Luke should be alone, so came downstairs as quickly as she could. She enjoyed having someone to be loyal to, and be there for.

Luke and Calum were seeing their therapists on Thursday, and she had to wait until Friday, which also happened to be her birthday.

That meant they had a few days of freedom.

Liz gave them both breakfast, Luke two slices of toast and Freya one. She thought it would be the other way round, and found it slightly rude that Liz was already taking control of how much she ate. As well as this, she handed the pair their medicine, each having different tablets.

Freya's were a pale blue, red, and green. She thought none of the tablets were appealing, but took them anyway, knowing they'd been carefully picked out.

Liz thought their medicine was bonkers. They'd had months of treatment, and were still going to have therapy, yet needed medication. Her son had put her through so much pain, and she felt like he was ready.

She felt like the doctors were making it up at this point. Her son hadn't done drugs like Freya, he was a good kid, and had changed. She thought the old Luke was there somewhere.

But Luke couldn't feel farther from him.

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