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The next day was pretty quiet for Luke and Freya, the two of them just trying to comfort each other. Freya was struggling, but she repeated and repeated what Ashton had said and made it through.

She was really proud of herself.

Since she was having a hard time with it, she didn't bother to argue when Liz gave her less food again, or take notice that her and Luke had both seemed to pick up a cold.

And as well as feeling sick, and having an awful headache, she struggled to sleep at night. It felt like withdrawal again, and she remembered the horrors of that place to start with.

Luke also felt sick, had a headache, and had really vivid dreams all night. They freaked him out, and he was reminded to talk to Michael about it all.

He felt delusional, and like an idiot.

That morning they took their pills as usual, and ate as much breakfast as try could, before retreating to Luke's room. Liz opened the door- Freya glad she wasn't getting changed- and picked up one of Luke's hoodies.

"You two can get the bus, right?"

"Um, no," Luke said.

"Luke, you know you're better now,"

"Mum,"- "we will be okay,"

Freya put every bit of energy into not shouting at the woman, grabbing Luke's phone once she had left. She texted Mali, asking to pick them up at the bus stop because Cal has an appointment too.

"Freya, I can't go on the bus,"

"Hey, it's okay. Get ready because I've asked Mali to pick us up at the bus stop,"

Softly, she kissed him, running her fingers through his long hair. She thought it looked really good on him, and kind of envied how nice his hair was.

Though recovered, she was no longer looking like her old self. She didn't know what to do with her hair as it had grown a lot, but plaiting it was lots of effort. She just left it.

Her body wasn't as toned as she would've pleased, and she felt like Luke was much nicer to cuddle, but he loved her no matter what.

The two of them started to get ready, Luke putting on a light pink jumper with black jeans. His converse were in the corner so he put them on too, while Freya just stuck a hoodie over her top with some leggings.

Liz was getting on her nerves more than usual, but she thought nothing of it. Perhaps it was just how families treated each other.

She'd left bus money on the side, so Freya grabbed it, the two of them heading towards the bus stop. All she carried was her phone and a book, but she wasn't sure if she could read- her head hurt a lot.

After a couple of minutes, Luke grew anxious, but when Mali pulled up and Calum climbed out, he had never wanted a hug more. Calum felt more like family than his mum.

"It's so good to see you guys again,"

"Talk about it,"

He hoped their time had been full of the same happiness as his. Mali offered to go on walks, and the two of them had, had many movie marathons. They'd cooked together, sung together, laughed together- it was even better than he'd hoped.

If his friends weren't getting the same it would shatter his heart.

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