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The next day, Michael took Freya out clothes shopping. She loved shopping, even though she felt really insecure now she'd put on weight.

On the bright side, it was healthy.

Michael helped her pick out comfy clothes, as well as nice clothes, but she did have to deal with quite a lot of stares. Every newspaper stand had her face on the front.

Overnight, instead of becoming upset, she was angry at her dad...fuming. He'd given her a reputation she couldn't really get rid of.

However, she remained calm and collected, remembering what she'd worked for.

They entered the nail salon and she picked  bright yellow, Michael patiently sitting for the entire thing. Even if he wasn't working, he felt this was still part of his job.

After picking up some stationary for everyone, they headed back home.

"Michael, how long will I live with you?"

"As long as you need to, we are trying to get accommodation for you and Luke in our own flats,"

"Will there be security cameras?"

"In the hallways, yeah. We make sure we know who is in and out, and theres ways to get help if needed, but when you move into there you have gained trust and privacy,"

"Luke and I will live together?"

"That's the plan. You help each other,"

"Then you need to definitely teach me how to cook,"

He chuckled and nodded, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel. Freya bobbed her head, then broke out into a giggle, filling the air with happiness.

"That's so funny,"

Luke fell onto his back as he watched Calum fall over on the twister mat, "dude, your balance is so bad,"

"My legs aren't long enough!"

"Mali won... again,"

"As the loser, why don't you get us all a drink?"

He stuck his tongue out at Mali and she just grinned, but it was contagious so he grinned as well.

Luke envied their relationship, because his brothers would never be like that. At least he never had to speak to them if he didn't want- which he didn't.

He helped Mali up and folded away the mat, and then helped Cal with drinks- he enjoyed helping the Hoods.

They were so kind to him. They didn't judge when Mali had bought him some jeans that were too small, nor did they judge when he was so full that he had to lay down in bed. Not when he anxiously bounced his knee, or wanted some space.

It was so refreshing to just be himself.

Calum felt similarly about living with Mali compared to mum. He couldn't be this perfect child, and Mali didn't expect that. She only wanted him to be happy, and if that was with film, that was with film. If that was by simply getting through the day, that was all she needed.

"Freya is all moved in with Michael, they've been shopping today," she told the pair, "all ready for uni too,"

"I love her," Luke smiled.

"Too much," Calum teased, "they'll never let you forget that,"

"I know,"

He craved her touch and attention more and more each day they were apart, and he'd never felt like this. It was incredible to him.

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