Chapter Eleven

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Excuse any mistakes..


Dre P.O.V

Jr. and I were now eating ice cream and watching TV in his room. After I picked him up from school, we went to get some ice cream from a near by ice cream shop. He was sitting in my lap dropping ice cream all over the place. Being the smart dad I am, I put napkin's everywhere.

"Buddy, you gotta put the ice cream in your mouth. Not on the napkins" I grabbed a napkin, cleaning his mouth. He scrunched up his face as I did so, he hates when I do that.

"I know dat' daddy" He giggled.

"Well do it" I threw the paper away in his trash can.

".....Daddy, do I get a mommy?" I started to choke on the ice cream I was swallowing. My eyes widened as I looked at him.

"What do you mean?"

"You and Gwamma was talkin bout' daddy going out wit' a girl" He looked at me with those big eyes. 

"You was snuppin'?" I raised a brow, he shook his head.

"No I didn't!" I laughed. 

"Okay buddy, if you say so"

"So am I gonna get a mommy?" He gave me the big eyes again.

"Ion' know buddy. I gotta be with her for a long time before she becomes your new mommy"

"How long is a long time?" 

"I don't know bud"

 "So when I meet my new mommy?"

"Soon Jr, soon"

"Mmkay daddy" He went back to eating his ice cream. I shook my head at him, and started to eat too. What he asked got me thinking; How the hell do I tell Cj about Jr.?


"American you know I had to cop that foreign" I sang as I finished my last math problem. 

"I know it's never boring..American you know I had to cop that foreign" I put the paper in my math folder and put that in my bag. I took my headphones out my phone and ears, putting them onto my dresser. Grabbing my phone, I opened my door and walked down stairs. This girl was hungry. It was only about 5 anyway.

"Whats for dinner?--Ewwww you have a damn room for a reason!" I walked downstairs to see my brothers with their 'main hoe's', making out and shit. I hate those bitches so much. I don't even know their name...that and I don't care.

"My bad baby sis" Andrew pushed the girl off his lap onto the couch, while Jaden just pushed the girl on the floor. She fell with a loud thump, quickly getting up and sitting next to Jaden. 

"Hi Cj" Those females said in unison. I rolled my eyes, and walked into the kitchen. They only act that way when their around the guys. I opened the fridge to see some Chinese food from yesterday. We eat a lot of Chinese food. I took them out the fridge and put some on a plate, putting it in the microwave. After 3 minutes, I took my food out the microwave and grabbed a fork. 

I walked out the kitchen after grabbing some water and to the stairs. I ignored the people in the living room stuffing each others tongue down their throats. Disgusting. I got to my room, turning on the tv and sitting on the bed. Food get ready to be eaten.

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