Chapter Thirty One

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Please excuse any mistakes. I didn't really read it over. 



I set Jr.'s plate in front of him, with his little fork, then gave Dre his plate. 

"Where my fork at?" He asked. 

"In that draw over there." I pointed to the draw that had the forks, knives and spoons. He got up and came over to me, bending down and bit my neck. 

"Ow!" I slapped him. "You need to stop doing that!" I blushed as he opened the draw and took out a fork. Jr. giggled and bit off a piece of his bacon. Dre walked back over giving me a very wet kiss on the cheek. 

I rolled my eyes and took a sip of my tea. 

"You ready for today?" Dre looked up from his plate of food and towards me. I shrugged. 

"Nervous but ready." I took another sip of my tea. "It's the first mom that I'm gonna meet." 

"You'll do well. She'll love you." 

"You've said that like, sixty times already." 

"'Cause it's true." He looked down at Jr. "Grandma will love her right?" 

Jr. nodded. "Mhm! 'Cause we love her too!" I smiled, I went over and gave Jr. a quick kiss on the cheek. He giggled and continued to eat his breakfast. 

"Where's my kiss?" He asked, showing his cheek to me. 

"Right here." I covered Jr's eyes with one hand and gave Dre the finger with the other, after putting my cup down.  

"Mommy!" He giggled, trying to get my hand off his face. I laughed and pulled my hand away giving him another kiss on the cheek. 

Today is the day. 

I'm going to meet Dre's mother. I'm not really scared but more nervous. I slept over his house last night so I can get some reassurance, and also 'cause Jr. wanted me to.

It's been another month since I have talked to Dre. I'm a little more comfortable around him, with the kissing and hugging. But we haven't gone as far as sexual things. At least not yet. 

He acts like he'll die if he doesn't at least 'touch it'. He's lived without it for two month and he'll live without it for at least a week more. 

I went back to school the week that followed after we made up. I had so much work to make up but ended up doing it and I finished it all. It took me a few days but in the end I finished it. And now, from the looks of it, I'll still be able to make it to the 12th grade.  

"What you thinkin' about?" Dre walked in front of me, trapping me by the counter. He wrapped his arms around my waist and looked down at me. 

"Nothing." I put my tea down. I looked back to see Jr. was gone and I could faintly hear the tv playing the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles theme song. He loves that show. 

When I went into his one day when he wanted to show me how it looked. His room was literally filled with it. It was the cutest obsession ever. He watches the show non-stop. 

I wrapped my arms around his neck and rest my head on his chest. "You're amazing." I told him. 

He chuckled. "How so?"

"I don't know." I shrugged. "You just are." He chuckled again and grabbed my chin, making me look at him. 

"Thank you baby. You more than amazing to me." 

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