Chapter 9

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Nick's POV

It was Monday. I still couldnt accept the fact that Hannah was Miley and vice versa. I switched on the TV to distract my mind. But instead, it got worse. Out popped Hannah's new single, 7 Things.

"7 Things, Hannah Montana's new single. 'I probably shouldnt say it but at times I get so scared'(Out popped Hannah recording in the studio) Grab your copy of Hannah's single NOW at your nearest department store!"

I switched off the TV and went to my room. I plopped down on the bed and raised my hands above my head. After some thought, I logged onto my laptop and went to YouTube to listen to '7 Things'.

The lyrics were quite.... Meaningful. It was like she was telling a story. But not just a story. It is like she was referring to.... Me!

I logged off my laptop and called Miley. I needed some explanation.

Miley's POV

I got out of bed reluctantly. I dont need to do anything today. No interviews, no autograph sessions nor recording sessions. I smiled at the thought of having the whole day free. But dad's singing woke me up from my slumber so I am awake now.

I sat on the couch and flipped through the channels. I finally decided on a channel. Out popped my promotion advertisement on my new single. I watched it and sighed. I was Hannah there. That only brought back painful memories of that fateful Saturday.

Suddenly, I felt my phone vibrating. I took it,read the caller-id and my jaw dropped. I answered it with shaking hands.

"Hello?!" I finally answered. Surprisingly, Nick didn't shout or scold me, which I perfectly understand if he does so. What he said next took me greatly by surprised.

"Your new single,7 Things... Erm it was meant for me right?" I blinked several times. I clearly didn't expect him to find out that the song was meant for him. I gotta stop underestimating things. I felt like lying to him about the song but decided against it. I have done enogh damage to our relationship. Anymore lies will damage it even more.

I sighed and agreed. He was silent at the other side and finally he spoke. He also apologised for being a jerk towards him but I denied.

"So erm... You really did mean that you like, lets see.. My hair,eyes and many more" he chuckled. I could feel him smirking. I just rolled my eyes and said "Whatever!"

He laughed and asked to meet him at the park near the resort. It was small and thats why he chose that park. He asked me to come as Miley. I smiled and said "Ok". I leaped out off the couch and told my dad that I was going to the park for a while.

I got dressed and applied a little make-up. I skipped on the pavement on the way to the park.

Nick's POV

I wanted to know the real Miley. Not Hannah. Now that I found out that they are the same, I also know that I am not a playboy :P I mean imagine having the same feelings for two different girls. Not cool!

I rushed to the park. I wanted to get there first before Miley. I wanted to practise what to say to Miley before she comes.

I reached the park and found an empty bench. I sat down and started rehearsing what to say when Miley comes.

"Hey Miles! Sup?!" I shook my head. Nono. Too friendly. I was also planning to confess my feelings to her.

"Hi Miley. Take a seat" I sighed.... Too formal. Then, at a distance, I saw the most beautiful girl coming. Her hair flying in the wind. I had to blink several times to make sure that it wasnt a dream.

She neared me. "Miles...,"I finally breathed. I took her hand and dragged her. I swear she gasped a bit at my touch. I smirked at the effect I was having on her.

I dragged her to a more private place at the back of the park. There was a mini fountain with an angel at the top. There was a plaque below it that read "Wishing well - May all your wishes come true"

I brought Miley to the fountain. I gave her a penny and told her to make a wish. She closed her eyes and whispered something then threw the coin into the fountain. I did the same. We watched our coins sink to the bottom of the fountain.

I finally asked,"May I ask what the fine lady wished for?" she laughed at me and started running. I took it as a cue to chase after her. I reached her soon and grabbed her around the waist and spun her around. However, I lost balance and I fell on top of her.

She didn't find it anything wrong. She just kept laughing. Ahh... I could just listen to that laugh forever. It was like my personal lullaby.

Our faces were inches apart. I neared the gap between us. I saw her close her eyes as if she knew what was coming. And I gave her just that....

After the kiss, she pulled apart and asked,"You wanted to know what my wish was right, pretty boy?" She asked with a smirk on her mouth. I nodded, giving the most innocent stare I could give.

"I wished for exactly this" I knew what she meant. I leant in for another and she closed the gap...

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