Chapter 4

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Ok firstly I want to apologise for my short chapters. Feel free to comment tyvm #noh8 please tyvm :)


Miley's POV

My phone started buzzing. I fished out of my pocket to see who was calling me. "Nick Jonas" it read. I froze on my tracks. I looked up to see Nick staring at me in disbelief. He knows my secret! Oh no! But instead, what he said next took me greatly by surprised. "You stole Hannah's mobile phone?" he gasped in horror. Ok I may keep a major secret of me being a popstar but I never steal things.

"Hold your horses young man. Uhm.... Hannah and I ... uhm well we're friends. Best friends" I smiled as I intertwined my middle and index finger. He looked at it and said, "Best friend or not, who leaves their phone with another person?" "erm i dont know hannah?" i replied in sarcasm. he was getting pissed. I had to prove myself innocent.

"Ok why don't I let you meet Hannah one day?" His eyes glinted at the sound of her name. Yea Hannah and not Miley, I thought to myself. "Sure! when?" he asked. "uhm i will keep you informed. i will text you" i replied. he frowned. "text? you dont even knw my number" I froze. oh no. has he found out my secret? i had to think of something quick.

"yea I was getting to the part where I ask you for your number" he told me his number. "whats yours?" but before i could answer, the door opened and out came my dad with his disheveled self. "mr montana?" he gasped in disbelief. i glared at my dad. great! now he's gonna think that hannah lives here

"does hannah live here?" he asked. spot on! "erm no not really. actually we're somewhat cousins and mr MONTANA here is my uhm... uncle" i said, flashing my dazzling smile. he was clearly stunned for a minute. my dad cleared his throat. "well miley, we gotta go now. you know meet your cousin at the nearby shopping mall for her autograph session" my dad winked at me. oh shit i forgot my autograph session at the mall. "right!" i answered and hurriedly went inside.

but nick stopped me. "hey could you tell hannah to erm you know.... text me?" i sighed "yea sure i will nick" he smiled and walked away. If only he could see the real me. i was about to enter the room when he called me again. "hey miles, erm if you dont mind me calling you miles.." i shook my head. "cool so could i come for the autograph session as well? see i am a huge fan of hannah!"

"well i could clearly see that from your ringtone" i chuckled. he blushed a deep crimsom red. "sure sure i will tell her" i continued. he just nodded and went back in. i entered my room and dashed to my bedroom to get dressed. i called emily to help me. she was in the next room. it was a hannah emergency!


I stepped out of my limo outside the mall. I was all Hannah-ed up and I was ready to sign autographs. Not to mention, see Nick :D The screams and cheers from my fans was beyond loud and I could barely hear my own voice. The security guards ushered me into the mall and to the podium where I would sit and sign my fans' autographs. The queue was darn long. The queue became longer when people saw me in reality. I signed as many autographs as I could. 

"Thanks sweetie. Have a nice day!" I said to a small girl and gave her a signed picture of me and a peck on her cheek. "Hey Hannah!" That sounded familiar. I looked up and my voice got caught in my throat.

Nick's POV

"Relax dude. It is just Hannah Montana!" Joe tried to console me. "Yea but you know how long i've been having a secret crush on her!" I retaliated. "Dude, she probably even have a boyfriend" Kevin interjected. I glared at him. Way to make me better Kevin. I rolled my eyes at him and slouched on my seat. We were in the limo that will bring us to the mall. "Relax Nick. If you guys are meant to be, it will be okay? Just let things flow as they are" I gave a faint smile at Joe. I calmed myself down. I can do this.

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