Chapter 12

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READ FIRST!!!! Take it as they have already gone back to America.


Nick's POV

I decided to meet Miley on her set of the Last Song. But I wished I didn't. I saw her kissing her her co-star. I know that it wasnt for the movie.

I couldn't believe it. The girl, the only person I've ever loved, is cheating on me. Well she is Hannah. Everyone loves her.

I felt like punching that douche's face. How could he? And how could she? I didnt want to talk to her. I didnt want to talk to anyone. I started to run. Somewhere. I dont care.

Miley's POV

I took off my wig and unraveled my long brown hair. I threw the wig far away. God knows where it flew too. I didnt want to be Hannah anymore. Hannah was the reason that my relationship with Nick is in jeopardy.

I let my brown hair fly through the wind and be a tangled mess around my neck. I sat under a tree and started crying.

Just then, someone handed me my Hannah wig. I was scared. How did that someone know that I was the owner of the wig?

That person took my hand and helped me to my feet. I wiped my tears away. I blinked a few times. Before I could say or even do anything, that person crushed his lips on mine. And I knew immediately who it was. I only feel this way with Nick.

Nick's POV

I was running. Fast. I stopped after a while to catch my breath. I needed to sit somewhere to think. I walked towards a nearby bench. At that moment, I saw something glistening under the sun at the corner of my eye.

I walked towards it and picked up a blonde wig. I chuckled to myself. Who wears a blonde wig? ....other than Miley?

I started to search around the vicinity. She couldnt be far. I finally found her under a tree. Her brown hair flying in the wind. Aww... She looked so beautiful like that.

I walked towards her. I needed to be there for her. To support her and her dream. I couldnt let her give up being Hannah. Many people are depending on her. I would not allow her to disappoint others for me.

She was crying... For me? She really didnt meant that kiss with Liam. That douche must have planted it on her. The thought of him made me boil. But I needed to stay calm.

I handed her wig to her. She was bleary-eyed from all that crying. I brought her to her feet. I couldnt take it. I needed her desperately. I missed her so much.

She wiped her tears but before she could do anything, I kissed her. Hard. I wanted her. I needed her.

She knew it was me as she wrapped her arms around my neck and my grip on her waist. I gently pushed her aginst the tree.

She jumped and wrapped her legs around me. I held her legs with her back against the tree. We kissed passionately until we had to break apart. We were gasping for air.

"I'm sorry", she said. I just shook my head and nuzzled my nose. "I'm sorry as well" I kissed her again.

I carried her bridal style back to the set where they were packing things up. The director came towards us as I placed Miley on her feet.

"Liam told us your excuse for your disapperance. He is really sorry for that. We have finished filming the scene of Ronny's brother and father working in the workshop. So, it's a wrap for today. And we will see you tomorrow ok?", the director said and smiled at Miley.

She turned around and gave me a hug. I hugged her back and took her hand. I brought her to my limo that brought me to the set. I decided to drop her off first. We rode the limo back to her house. The day started off bad... But it was turning out to be good.

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