Chapter 6

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Thanks to those that read and voted for my story. If you find it nice, please recommend it to others as well. I will try to write as many chapters as I can despite my busy schedule :) #noh8 TYVM again :D 


Miley's POV

I stepped out of the limo with my head held high. Cameras were flashing in every direction. I needed to look my best. I posed for a few and continued my way into the recording studio. I half walked half ran to the washroom to check how I looked like. Am I too obvious that I was psyched to meet Nick let alone do a duet?

I smiled at myself in the mirror and heaved a sigh. I can do this. Besides, he is just a boy right? I have worked with many boys before. Nick is just another. But I knew deep down, that he wasn't just another boy. He was my boy <3


".....Before the storm..." Nick and I finished recording our song "Before The Storm" (Yes it is actually with the Jonas Brothers but Nick was the only one who sang so yea :D) Did I mention 'Our song'? Haha! I smiled widely and looked at him. It was a beautiful song and it was for those that have been through a break-up but still yearns for their ex. It is quite sad but at the same time, perfect for true love.

Nick and I left the studio and went down to the canteen to grab something to eat before we go back to do some editing on our song. :D I just love the words "Our Song" heh heh! 

We entered the canteen and ordered our food and sat down at one table. Nick and I talked. Just like normal friends. It made me feel for one moment that I was just Miley and not Hannah and that he was talking to Miley. But hey, never say never! I might have a chance for him to fall in love with Miley. Besides, he has already started asking questions about Miley and not Hannah so.... :D

Nick's POV

We walked side-by-side down to the canteen. My heart was in my mouth with every step I took with her. I have no idea why. And that's exactly how I feel with Miley. How is that possible? I am NOT a  playboy. So how IS that possible? 


After finishing our food, we walked back into the studio. Billy saw us and motioned us to join him in the recording studio to do some editing to the music. Which also means that we had to sing some parts again. I was more than willing to point out many mistakes on Hannah's part so that she has to sing them again. Damn that voice. I have no idea what was wrong with me. Everything about her makes me so obsessed. And I don't think I have a celebrity crush on her anymore.....

Miley's POV

I scowled at Nick. Who is he to point out my mistakes? He doesn't sing that well himself. "Mr Montana, I think it would be best if Hannah sang this part a little louder" Nick said. I narrowed my eyes at him and scoffed. But on second thought, I kinda accepted it. I mean if it makes sense.

Maybe he is doing this to irritate me. Which means that he doesn't like me. And if he doesn't like me, it means that..... Miley have more chance with him. 

With that thought in my mind, I sang many times again and again. I have to make Nick fall for Miley. Not Hannah. 


After the recording session, Nick pulled me to one corner and looked me dead in the eye. I had to catch my breath for a second there. "Hey sorry for earlier. It is just that I wanted to hear you sing. You have an amazing voice and it was great listening to it" Nick admitted. 

I blinked several times at him. Aww... he liked my singing. I smiled at him and waved his apology aside. "Hey it's no big deal. No problem" I smiled. "Well I feel bad so let me make it up to you ok? How about we go out to grab some lunch this Saturday?" 

Are you kidding me? My celebrity crush... scratch that. My crush is asking me out? My stomach did somersaults inside me. "Yes!" I finally breathed. He scratched his neck in nervousness. "You're nervous right?" I asked. "What? No!" he replied.. a bit too quick. "Please.... I have been observing you well enough to know that...." Oops! What did I say! "You have been observing me?" Nick said with a smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes and walked away from him towards the exit. 

Nick was fast. In just a few long strides, he was on par with me. "So Saturday right?" I nodded my head and we went our seperate ways. "I will text you the details!" Nick shouted from his car across the road. "Sure!" I shouted back. I stepped into the limo with a big smile plastered on my face. 

When I reached the hotel room, I changed back into Miley and left the room to go get some fresh air outside. My dad stopped me however. "Miles, don't forget the movie meeting we have this Saturday" "What movie meeting? I replied innocently. "Dont tell me you had forgotten all about it! The Last Song! You have to meet the whole cast this Saturday. Just reminding you pal!" my dad said and walked away. 

I blinked several times at him. "Erm dad.... I kinda have something on on that day so I was wondering if the date of the meeting could be changed you know?" "No can do hun! Liam's flying all the way from the US along with the other cast," my dad replied. I squealed in glee! Liam Hemsworth! I love him!!!! "OK!"I exclaimed excitedly. 

After my dad left, I sighed. How was I going to tell Nick about my movie meeting and call off the date? If I call off the date, I bet he will go with Miley.... But I am Miley and Hannah....


So what do you think will happen to Miley and Nick on their Saturday meeting? Leave a comment below :D

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