Chapter 36: Back

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His eyes fluttered open, the warmth of his body still next to him and the comforting feeling of the blanket over them putting yet another smug smile on his face.

His lover brushed fingers through his hair and kissed his forehead, "Good morning," He whispered.

"Morning." He grinned.

"You know what day it is, right?"

"Hmm.. I don't?"

Hoseok pouted, disappointed. Taehyung laughed at that, snuggling in closer to him, "Of course, it's the day we reunited."

"That's right," Hoseok played with Tae's hands, "What should we do this year?"

"Sleep in? Let's stay this way the whole day." Taehyung smirked and kissed his chest. Hoseok rolled his eyes and laughed.

"So lazy," He snorted, "I can't believe I have been living with a sloth all these years."

Taehyung flashed his rectangular smile up at Hoseok and leaned in to kiss him.

"It really has been over 4 years, it's unbelievable." Taehyung said, trailing his hand to touch Hoseok's cheek. He certainly looked more mature, more manly than he did years ago, even his voice sounded a little more deep. His hair no more red, but dyed brown with blonde highlights.

"What are you gazing at?" Hoseok had a smug look.

"I'm stunted by how attractive you are."

It made Hoseok blush slightly and a suppressed smile flickered on his lips.

Taehyung giggled at his behaviour and leaned in to place a kiss again.

Hoseok touched the hand that was on his cheek, noticing something that reminded him of an incident that happened years agoㅡ an occurence which had struck him like lightning.

"This mark will never fade, you know?" He stated softly, almost to himself, already aware that Taehyung knew the fact.

Taehyung hummed politely in acceptance, gazing at the scar from the injury that he had caused himself.

"It looks so bad.. it makes me feel shameful," Taehyung muttered, sulking as he remembered and regretted his actions.

Hoseok quickly leaned in and kissed his forehead, the warmth and moisture of his lips bringing Taehyung back into his realityㅡ Hoseok in front of him and the life he has now.

Hoseok smiled as he cupped his face, "You're beautiful as you are. Even if you do have scars," He leaned in and softly pecked his lips before gazing back at him again, "Don't be ashamed of your past, because without it maybe you wouldn't have been able to learn about the warmth of life."

"How are you so good with your words, god.." Taehyung blushed before he got flustered and averted his eyes, rolling off off Hoseok and out of the bed.

"What happened?" Hoseok grinned, "Didn't you want to stay in bed all day?"

"Well, your inspirational speech got to me and now I've decided to get out there and feel the warmth of life," Taehyung sang out before he entered the bathroom and shut the door.

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