Chapter 10: Cold

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"Can I kiss you?"


"What?!" Taehyung gaped at the sudden flustering question. He couldn't think of a single person who would ever ask something like THIS, at a situation like THIS. Isn't the question itself is enough to stab a person with the knife of anxiety?! Leaving aside the question, it became even more difficult for Taehyung to answer. No matter whichever way he looked at it, answering it would be awkward!

Noticing how he fell in the trap of his thoughts, he cleared his throat again and tried to reply cleverly without suffocating to his death, "We-well if you want, you can.. I don't have a problem..". What the hell? GOD, I SOUND LIKE A PLAYBOY. "Ah! I don't mean as if I kiss regularly, I- I don't do that often," the fuck? "I mean I-I never did it before and it might seem as if I did but I-"

Hoseok stepped closer and cupped his face in his hand, weakening Taehyung's voice who now couldn't even utter a thing more, Tae felt like he was going to die from the frantic pounding of his heart. But not even for once did he look away from his dark-brown orbs. It was as if he was frozen.

Taehyung had his eyes fixed on the beautiful features of Hoseok's face. His beautiful eyes, his soft lips; and in a way he could sense something incoming. He closed his eyes and waited.

Hoseok brought his face more closer, about to kiss him; he slightly tilted his head down and pecked his forehead with great delicacy. After a few long seconds, he pulled back. Taehyung opened his eyes, full of confusion and amazement, he was surprised, "What?". He gazed back in his eyes, hoping for an explanation.

Hoseok chuckled, "What? You thought I was going to kiss you on the lips?"

"Umm- no- I-"

Hoseok turned around before Taehyung could complete, "You see, I wouldn't do that. You're not in love with me anymore, and neither was I ever. Right?"

Taehyung rolled his eyes and snorted, staring down at his feet, "Yeah, right." He said in a slight disappointed tone.
"But, for arguement's sake, if I was in love with you, then would you have kissed me?"

"Oh god, you never change." Hoseok chuckled, "You're as strange as you were as a kid." He laughed and turned around to face Taehyung. Tae beamed, "Yes?! Really?"

Hoseok nodded, "Yes. After I met you again, I realized you haven't changed in the slightest." His laugh stopped and he smiled sympathetically at the younger, messing up his hair, "Only your memories of me are gone."

Taehyung pouted, "Hey! My hair!" He withdrew his head away from Hoseok's hand while giggling and stuck his tongue out, "But, not only you, everything is gone." He smiled back.

"And you look happy over it."

"That's because-" Taehyung draws himself closer to Hoseok in a split second and wraps his arm around Hoseok's, "You are here. I know you'll help me remember, you and everything."

"Yeah?" Hoseok replied in a doubtful tone. After a short silence, he switched the topic, "Well, one thing that you should know,"

"Yeah?" Taehyung glanced at Hoseok while still holding his arm.

"That necklace you have; it wasn't gifted by your mom or girlfriend." Hoseok grimaced.

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