10. The Plan And Performance

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Alright then, chapter 10 finally. Enjoy.
Reader p.o.v

"Please tell me" you asked. "Alright, We've been seeing everything. And now you're strapped, so here's the plan. You be a 'good' girl and try to find out where the reset button is. Easy right?" Sans/ classic said. You had a straight face. "Dude! It can take me days to find it back. And I don't wanna find out what can happen in those days" you said absolutely cringed. "BUT YOU HAVE TO TRY" blue said placing a hand on your shoulder. "Yes, I have to try" you said. "Alright you're gonna wake up in 2" red said. "Two what?" You asked. "One" blackberry said as you shot awake. You looked around. You were in edge his room. On his bed. Seducing was going to be a hard thing but you could do that. I mean who kills their own brother. 

They will pay for what they did. The door opened. Revealing edge, he closed the door behind him. "Awake so soon?"  He whispered as he came closer. "Yes" you said not standing up or sitting up. "Good" he said as he crawled over you. You wanted to punch him. But then the plan would be ruined. So. You wrapped your arms around his back as you pulled him closer. Pushing his head just above your chest. You could tell his face was red. Even though he wasn't facing you. He wrapped his arms around your back as well. Shoving then underneath you. Hopefully everything will be fine if you follow this path. All that matters is that you find your reset button and make sure everything goes well. It's a great job for you. "What are we going to eat? I thought I'd cook for you'' you said. Voice sweet. He pulled away to look you in the eye.

"I APPROVE OF THAT'' he said pulling away. Your ears cried because of his loud voice. But you kept your smile. You nodded. "Great" you said standing up and following him. And of course the other three Papyrus (us) where in the living room to. Yay. It was pretty akward for you to be around them. But you could do this. You didn't completely chanced yourself. Or it's obvious what your plan is. They are smart boys. So you had to be smart to. Your acting was easy. Act normal. Make sweet eye contact. Be smooth.

Weeeeeee. Sorry it took so long.
Word count 414

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