Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Angelo's P.O.V

I was woken up early in the morning by the sound of a child sobbing on Daniel's side. I was snuggled comfortably  under the warm comforter while Daniel was still deep in sleep. I got up and glanced up to where the sobbing was coming from.

The surrounding was still dim but I was sure that it was Jared who's crying softly. "Jared?" I stood up quickly and trotted to Jared' side. I stooped down and hugged him. He hugged me back in return. "What's wrong sweetie?" I asked, wiping his tears from his eyes.

"I...(sob) I...(sob) I wet my bed again." He answered between sobs.

I hushed him and said, "It's okay sweetie." I stood up and held my hand to him. "Come, let's clean you up and change your bed sheet, okay?" He nodded and held my hand as we walked out from the room to his.

I changed his pj's into a new one and found his new Thomas the Tank Engine bed sheet. He stayed on the side of his wardrobe and hugging his teddy bear, while I was fixing his bed and changing the bed sheet into a new one.

After everything was fixed, I called him up and tucked him in to the bed. It was still dark outside and I was guessing that it was probably 4 o'clock in the morning. It was still early for a kid to wake up. I decided to stay with him until we both fell asleep together on his tiny bed. He was snuggling at me while I was embracing him softly.

We slept for another 2 hours before Sonia woke us up. Turns out that it was Sunday and everyone is obliged to go to the church. I never thought Daniel would be a religious guy but for me, that is a big plus. Well, my aunties raised me with fear in God.

Jared and I walked downstairs after brushing our teeth (Sonia gave me a toothbrush when she woke us up) . We found Daniel pigging out the breakfast while his mum was making a pancake.

Daniel greeted us with 'Goffmoofum sunuhms' with the biggest grin in the world. He was probably trying to say 'Good morning sunshine" but the pancakes inside his mouth blocked his words out.

Sonia playfully slapped Daniel's shoulder. "Don't talk when your mouth is full." Daniel played along and pouted like a child. Sonia just shook her head and went on making pancakes.

"Good morning Daddy." Jared ran along to Daniel's side and kissed his dad. Daniel kissed his cheek back and he stood up walking towards me after a big gulped of orange juice.

"So where's my good morning kiss?" he whispered to me as he grabbed my hips towards him. I didn't have time to respond as Daniel's lips met mine three times while he's smiling. I couldn't see myself but I know I was blushing like a tomato. "I woke up without you in my side and I missed you. Jared stole you from me huh?" he pouted.

"Daddy kissed Kuya!" Jared's voice boomed from behind. I gulped and stood shocked while Daniel's arm where still on my hips. As for Daniel, he just smiled and kissed me in the forehead. He let go off me but his hands still holding mine as we walked to the table, his mum was seated with a big grin.

He went back to his seat, me sitting next to his right side while Jared on his left. He faced Jared, who by then looking at us excitingly and smiling wide, showing us his tooth decays. "Jared..." Daniel started. "How do you like to have another dad?"

I froze. What did he mean by another dad? Me? Daddy? Aren't we just boyfriends? What's going on?

I looked at Sonia with a confused look but she just shrugged and held my hand across the table, smiling.

Jared's smile disappeared and was replaced by confusion as he scratched his head. "Another daddy? You mean I will have one more daddy?" he asked.

Daniel nodded.

ANGEL...O? (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now