Chapter Part 40 Part 2

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Chapter 40 Part 2

Angelo's P.O.V


8 hours earlier

I was at Brisbane headquarter of Australia post to pick up Jared's birthday gift. It was a life-size Baymax stuff toy that came all the way from Germany. I ordered it a week before his birthday, expecting that it would arrive before the day of the birthday. Unfortunately, there were some delays in the shipping and it won't be delivered to my address until the following week. Good things was I have a contact at the main headquarter and I was told that my parcel came about yesterday. Lachlan, the admin in the headquarter, and a friend of Grande family, told me that if I want to, I could pick it up at his office so that I could get it on time.

I was really relieve and excited at the same time. I thought that I would be empty handed on my little man's birthday. The perks of being a Grande somehow benefits me in serious times.

Sebastian opened the door of the car for me as I was struggling to get the massive and fluffy stuff toy inside the car. I was trying to push Baymax inside when suddenly, my phone rang in a different tone.

I froze and quickly fished out my phone in my pocket. The ringtone was different of all the ringtone in my phone because the customized sound was meant to be emergency. There was only one person other than Sebastian who knows how to trigger it, and that only person was Jared.

I promised Jared that I would never leave him again, and to prove it, I ordered Sebastian to assign me and Jared a 4 digits unique number that can only be use by me and Jared alone. I taught Jared how to use it and only to use it when he is in trouble. If our emergency alert was triggered, it only means that Jared was in trouble, or much worst, he is in danger.

I looked at Sebastian who by then was staring at me knowingly and alerted. I pressed the answer button and put the ear piece on my ear.

I took a deep breath and silently prayed that Jared is alright. "Jared?" I asked calmly.

There was a rustling sound on the other line before Jared's voice came out of the speaker. "Papa...please help me." He sobbed.

"What happened? Where are you?" There was a panic in my voice but I tried to remain calm while signaling Sebastian to track where the call was coming from.

"Mommy and bad guys took me from nana. Please help Papa. Please tell Daddy to help me." The boy whispered while sobbing.

"Take a deep breath honey." I told him. I actually heard the boy taking a deep breath and I smiled at that. "Okay, so where did they take you?" I asked.

"I saw big ships and I am here in a dark room." He answered.

"The seaport." Sebastian and I said at the same time. Sebastian was looking at the tracker when he said it, confirming the exact location of the call. "Good job, honey. I know where you are. Wait for me. Don't be afraid. Okay?" I cooed.

"Hurry up Papa, mommy is coming... I'm scared...." He was cut off by a rustling sound in the background on the other line followed by a screeching voice of a woman saying 'What are you doing you stupid child! Who are you talking to?' followed by a loud cry of a child. There were some laughing on the background too.

"Jared! Jared!" I was screaming on the phone, calling Jared's name. I could hear his faint crying on the background. My eyes started to tear up. I kept calling his name until a voice of a woman came out from the speaker.

"So it's you then." Said the voice.

"Chloe." I confirmed. "If you hurt Jared, I swear you'll regret being born in this world." I threatened. My hands were shaking from rage.

ANGEL...O? (BoyxBoy)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ