Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Daniel's P.O.V

If I thought getting an approval from my mother to pursue my interest over Angelo was the best thing that might happened on Wednesday, I was wrong. What happened next brought me to Utopia.

A tiny body suddenly slammed on me after I heard a sneeze from the opening elevator door. Then it hit me,it was the person with the familiar sweet rosy scent that I was yearning to smell all day, the comfortable sensation o=in my chest, the twitching of my gut as if thousands of butterflies were flying inside it, the boy I dream to be with.

I couldn't help but to encase my arms over his body, feeling his heat to ease the coldness of the winter. It was as if my body moved by its own accord and decided to wrap that body in front of me to share the unspoken passion of emotional feeling between us.

Right from there, I decided to tell my intention and I wasn't going to change my mind. Right that very moment, I decided to take the risk as long as there will be 'us' against the world.

I asked him to seat with me at the lounge room. My heart was pounding hard in my chest like as if anytime, I'm gonna have a heart attack. My fingers started to fidget each other like I always do whenever I'm nervous.

"So what is it that you want to tell me?" he asked, his eyes were full of confusion, probably from the way I act all of a sudden.

"I...uh....I....uh...." I stuttered. Trying to form the right word to say what I want.

I was about to continue with my proclamation when I was cut off by an unexpected character in our supposed 'love story'.

"ANGELO!!!!!!" came the screeching sound of a woman from the corridor running towards our direction. It was a high pitched sound like a tire gliding on a wet road; the only difference was that it only says 'Angelo' instead of 'SCREECH!

Angelo and I snapped our heads towards the voice's direction. I was star struck when I saw who the woman was- she was running towards us wearing high heels, tight skinny jeans that reveal her nice shape butt, and a formal office suit for her top. Her blonde hair was wavy and follows her every movement.

There she was, coming towards us; the woman that every man and woman idolised. The wonderful Veronica Buenaventura- one of the most popular model in Australia.

But what was she doing in the University? And why does he know Angelo? Does Angelo knows her- I mean personally? As if to answer my confusion, Angelo quickly rose up from his seat.

"Veronica?" he asked, surprised as I was. "What are you doing here?" His expression was clueless.

I look at Angelo and back to Veronica. "Hold on, you two know each other?"

Veronica smirked and was about to answer but she was cut off by Angelo. "Yes. It's a long story. But I know her." He said in a calm tone, his lips a bit quivered in to a smile. "What brought you here?"

"Oh...about that...." She walked beside Angelo and leaned closer to his ear. At first, I thought she was about to kiss him, and to be honest, I felt a little bit of jealousy brewing inside me. A growl escaped from my chest, so soft I thought I was the only one who heard it. But then I was wrong. She threw me an interesting glare before whispering something to Angelo that made the boy massage his temple and heaved a big sigh.

Angelo sniffed. After a second, he sneezed three times in a row.

"Dust mites?" Veronica asked. I thought she was talking to me and she was offering me a dust. Then I realise that she said "dust mites" as in mites in dust- not "dust, mate?"

ANGEL...O? (BoyxBoy)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें