Chapter 44

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Video: Marry Your Daughter. (In this story, it's Marry your Angel)

Chapter 44

Angelo's P.O.V

"Something is not right. Why would he not call me? I swear if he's cheating on me, I'm so gonna cut his balls off! I don't have to order Sebastian to do it. I'm going to do it by myself!" I cried out of frustration.

Apparently, it has been two weeks that I haven't seen Daniel in person. I have been out of hospital for almost three months now. Ever since I got here in Sydney to live with my parents, Daniel never ceases to contact me. There was never a day and hour that he never talked to me.

This time, I know something was up and Daniel was not being honest with me. Although Jared talks to me as always, his dad seemed like he was avoiding me. Whenever I asked Jared where Daniel is, Jared will just tell me that he is either busy or with Alex.

"Would you calm down Mr. Grande. Sit your ass and breathe." Veronica snapped at me. We were at my room. She has been watching me pacing back and forth and ranting about Daniel being cold or avoiding me.

It's not that I was being clingy or something, it's just after all that happened to us, I am not taking any chances to be away from Daniel. It is already difficult not seeing him every day, it is much worst not hearing from him at all.

I stopped pacing and seated on my bed next to Veronica. "I'm not sure if I did something wrong." I sighed. "This is not so Daniel. He always tells me what's wrong. I think I should go back to Brisbane today."

Veronica snickered. I threw her a confused looked before she burst out laughing and rolling on my bed. After she calmed down, she seated back on my side while wiping the tears off her eyes. "Tell me Angelo, have you and Daniel had sex together yet?" she said so bluntly that I forgot about going back to Brisbane instantly.

My face quickly went red from embarrassment and I couldn't think of any answer.

"I..uh..We..uh..." I stuttered. I remembered the embarrassing moment when I undressed in front of Daniel and begged him to make love to me because I was so broken from Nathan's illness.

"I'll take that as a no. Well, let me remind you that Daniel has his needs. Unlike you, I don't think the man can be celibate for a very long time."

I looked away from Veronica as my tears started to formed on my eyes. "Do you think he's doing it with other people? I mean, we never had sex before. Honestly, I never had sex with anyone before and I don't even know how it works. I don't want to disappoint him. He never mentioned it to me anyways. Do you think I disappointed him and he found someone else to release it?" I whispered, disappointed about myself.

Veronica's teasing face morphed into concern."No. No mate. I didn't mean it like that. Of course Daniel will never cheat on you. And I'm pretty sure he'd rather not have sex than to lose you. It's just that you also have to remember that sex is a part of relationship. Are you even ready?" she asked.

I thought about it for a while.

She pulled out her phone and typed something. Seconds later, she held her phone up in the air and said, "Found it!"

I titled my head to the right, "Pardon?"

"Here, let me read it out to you. This is a quote by John Moffi. It says "We mistake sex for romance. Guys are taught that pushing a girl up against a wall is romance. Sex is easy; you can do it with anyone, yourself, with batteries. Romance is when someone you like walks into a room and they take your breath away. Romance is when two people are dancing and they fit together perfectly. Romance is when two people are walking next to each other and all of a sudden they find themselves holding hands, and they don't know how that happened."

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