Chapter 43 Part 1

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Chapter 43 Part 1

Angelo's P.O.V

I heard a light snores beside me and I could feel a warm bodies in front and the back of my own. 'This is new. No annoying beeping anymore.' I thought. My eyes were still closed when I felt something flinched in my arms.

Slowly, I opened my eyes only to be blinded by the light. I took my time to adjust my vision.

As soon as I can see clearly, I saw a small body snuggled up in my arms. Jared was breathing slowly as he was sleeping peacefully. His chest was rising up and down. My arms were wrapped around his thin body comfortably. Jared kicked his foot in the air suddenly, but he remained asleep. He must be dreaming about jumping into something. I kissed his cheeks when I realized that there is a strong arm wrapped around my waist.

Daniel's breath was hitting the back of my neck. He was pressed within me as his warmth radiated through my entire body. It felt so comforting and somehow, satisfying.

I slowly got up, carefully entangling Daniel's arm from my waist.

I flinched when my left foot cramped. "Owwww..." I whispered yell, making sure Daniel and Jared won't be disturbed from their sleep.

In an instant, my dad and mama was standing in my right side. Their faces were full of worry as my dad gently took my left foot. "Are you okay? Does it hurt? Tell me where." I was surprised how worried he was. He never showed any affection to me ever since I disobeyed what he planned for me.

"Don't touch him." My mum said while greeting her teeth. I looked at her only to see her glaring daggers to my dad.

My dad heaved a sigh and slowly let go of my foot. "I'm sorry. I'll be just here." He answered. He turned his back from me and walked back to seat in the chair in the corner. As he seated, he smiled at me affectionately and hanged his head down in defeat. There was a stabbing pain I felt in my heart when I saw my father's expression. He was supposed to be strong and hard like he always have, but what happened now?

I looked at my mum. Her furious expression morphed into sadness, yet she flashed me a smile. "How are you feeling, dear?" she asked, her voice was low, almost a whisper but audible.

I smiled at her and massaged my leg. "I'm fine mum. It's just a spasm." I answered.

Daniel suddenly giggled and talked in his sleep, "You are so clumsy sometime, aren't you Angelo?"

My mum and I looked at him in surprised. We had to suppress our laugh so the two boys sleeping in my bed won't wake up.

I leaned closer to Daniel and whispered, "Because I know you'll catch me, whenever I fall." That was so cheesy but I said it in a whisper that is inaudible to my mother's hearing.

Daniel smirked in his sleep and I had a feeling that he was dreaming about something that it involves me.

I kissed his cheek before hanging down my feet on the bedside. "They must be tired. Let them sleep some more." I told my mum.

"They really are. Specially Daniel. The poor man was so broken, his life became a mess." My mum replied.

I looked at her and back to Daniel and Jared. "What happened? I mean, after the incident? Why is it Jared look like this? Why is it Daniel so broken?"

My mother sighed, "Jared was traumatized, he's condition came back just like when he seen his dad beat up by his mum. He stopped talking, he stopped communicating. Nothing. He was like a lifeless body that only function for basic necessities." She explained, looking at Jared.

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