Chapter 41 Part 1

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Chapter 41 Part 1

Daniel's P.O.V

2 years later....

It has been two years now since the horrible incident that happened on supposedly the most special day of the two love of my life.

We just celebrated Jared's 7th birthday yesterday, it seemed like we celebrated for someone who does not exist at all, albeit all the effort to make it happy.

Jared. Oh God. My heart and soul breaks into pieces every single day of the years passed. I didn't know what to do anymore or how to live when the two most important people in my life was somewhere that I could not reach.

Yes, Jared and Angelo are still breathing, however, they are nothing but a body. A body that eats, drink, and sleep. Nothing else more. Their body was just a mere vessels that was waiting for them to come back.

Ever since that horrific moment on Jared's 5th birthday, everything has changed. Jared's condition came back. He was traumatized by the event and he completely shut down himself from the world. He never talked nor engaged in any activity at all. At night, he wakes up screaming and crying. Sometimes, he even pee and poop himself. It went like that for straight two years. The doctor were doing some therapy but it never seemed to work. There were no changes even a single bit.

His last words was 'Papa'.

The once cheerful and sweet child was now replaced by an empty vessel. His plump cheek has sunken deep due to loss of appetite over the years. His eyes were as dead as the dolls in the shopping malls. His skin that was once radiating warmth was now pale.

For two years, I almost gave up. However, I kept telling myself that I need to live for Jared and Angelo's sake. I couldn't afford to have a mental break down as well while the two precious people in my life was trapped in their own world.

Every single day from the past 2 years, I never gave up taking care for Jared. I deferred my degree to take care of my son full time; 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Every day, I kept talking to my little angel, hoping to get even a single response. It went like that for two long years. I was longing for the sound of his voice. I was longing for his cheerfulness and bubbliness and for everything about him. I miss Jared so much it hurts.

The Grande family was kindly supporting our needs. They insisted, especially Maria, that they will help us on whatever Jared needs. She said that we became a family as soon as Angelo started treating us as his own family.

Now, Angelo's case is different. He is alive, but for two years, he has been sleeping. He was in deep coma.

To add up to my suffering, Angelo's superior evil of a father has forbid anyone from my family and friends to see him. He was blaming me for what happened to Angelo. He wanted to punish me and so, he was trying to take Angelo from me.

The hospital room where Angelo was sleeping were guarded by 10 armed men. Each and every one of the guard has an order to never let me set a foot on the building. The security was tight and only the Grande doctors and nurses, aside from the member of Grande family, are allowed to enter the room. To say, his father, Nicholas Grande, bought the whole level of the hospital.

How did I manage to get some news about Angelo? One man. Sebastian.

Sebastian dedicated his time to look after Jared while Angelo was sleeping. For two years, he has been kindly giving us an update about Angelo's condition. According to him, Angelo has suffered several head damage that he took from the beating. He said that everyone was amazed that he was still alive, which means that Angelo was fighting for his life.

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