Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

Daniel's P.O.V

I woke up feeling something warm in arms, or should I say, someone. The room was familiar because of the anime posters stuck into the wall. Added to that was the comforting rose scent enveloping the whole room.

I turned on my left side to see Angelo in my arms. His back was facing me while he was sleeping peacefully. His shoulder was rising and falling gently from breathing. He was comfortably tucked in my arms. I moved to his side and pulled him closer to my body and enveloped my other arm to cover his small figure.

I buried my face on the back of his head while appreciating the heat that we were sharing at the very morning. It was comforting and warm and peaceful. It was divine.

I kissed his shoulder and tighten my grip on him very carefully, as if I didn't want him to disappear from me. Then I tried to remember what happened last night.

"He broke up with me." I frowned, remembering all the nightmares that came true. I remembered rushing to the pub and drowning myself in alcohol to forget about the devastating things that was happening in my life.

Angelo broke up with me.

Even now, I couldn't believe that it happened. I mean, it happened so quickly and I can't even do anything about it.

I remember that I consumed the whole bottle of Red Label rum and 5 bottles of beer. I also remembered snapping at Max, the pub manager, when he kept on asking me if I'm okay and what is wrong. I told him that it was nothing at all until I snapped from annoyance. Saying nothing about what you feel is not just a defense mechanism, it's not saying 'I don't care'. But it's like saying 'it hurts so badly, and I don't know what to say'.

By then, I felt Angelo's breathing changed. I felt him move a bit while my arms are still wrapped around him, in fact, my whole body was wrapped around him. "You're awake." I whispered in his ear and it was obvious that it gave him shivers.

"Yes." He answered, his voice was still groggy from sleep.

I sighed. "So what happened last night? Did I bother you?" I asked suddenly worried about my possible mess from the previous night.

He snickered, which means that was a good sign. "Well, you were really drunk that you can barely stand up alone. Thank goodness Sebastian was there to help you." He paused.

"Oh geez. I don't remember anything at all. All I could  remember is that I was in No Limits having a little bit of a drink..." I was cut off when Angelo faced me with right eyebrow quirked in questioning manner. "Fine, I had a lot of drinks last night." I sighed in surrender, which earned a nod from Angelo.

"Well, you thought you were Spiderman and tried to shoot some webs outside." He chuckled and turned his back on me once again. My arms still wrapped around his hips.

I felt my whole face went tomato red from embarrassment. My mum always told me that whenever I get drunk, I interestingly turned into different superheroes. I covered up my embarrassment with awkward laugh until I noticed that I was just on my brief. I was half naked.

A smile crawled on my lips as I found a way to get back to Angelo. "Uhh... Anj?" I called out. He responded by muttering 'mmm?'. "Why am I almost naked?"

I could feel Angelo heating up as he shoot out of the bed. I actually whimpered from the lack of warmth from Angelo's body. I want to stay him beside me, in my embrace forever.

"I..I..." He stuttered. I wasn't surprised that he was fully dressed. Typical of him. "I cleaned you last night because you reeked of alcohol and puke. Actually, you had almost stink my whole room with your vomit if I wasn't too fast to catch it with a plastic bag." He reasoned, his face still red.

My head suddenly felt like it was being kicked. "Ouch! Hangover!" I said.

Angelo quickly went to the kitchen. When he came back, he handed me a glass of water. Well at least it looked like a water. "Drink this." He ordered.

I didn't question him at all and gulped down the liquid from the glass. "It's a Sprite." I said, curiosity on my voice.

He took the glass from me and placed it on the nightstand. He then seated on the bed beside me. "They said that it was effective for hang-over." He said.

"Yeah. It seems like it. I feel better now." I teased.

He smashed my chest with his fist. "Don't you dare tease my medication." He huffed while snickering.

I coughed from the sudden impact. I forgot that behind his tiny body is a strong man. "Hang over dude here!" I warned him while massaging my chest.

"That is for mocking my Sprite!" he replied.

We looked at each other and burst out in fits of laughter. Just like that, we forgot about the inevitable fact that we are no longer together anymore.

Silence fell around  the whole room after the laughter. I laid back down to the bed while he was still sitting next to me. I rested my head on his lap. "So, we broke up eh?" I said, trying to sound casual.

He looked down at me, his eyes were sad. "Yes." He answered before heaving a deep sigh. "You can understand why we have to, don't you?"

I closed my eyes and calmed myself from the heartache inside me. "To be honest, I don't. But I'm trying to. I really do."

"Give Chloe a second chance." He said. I snickered at his remarks in sarcasm. "I can't promise to stay near you from now on, but I promise that I will never abandon you and Jared. I will always be right here for you." He smiled at me, though it didn't reach his eyes.

"And what if I find that Chloe isn't the right one for me at all?" I asked, keeping my hopes up that someday, we still have the chance to be together.

Angelo put his palm on my right cheek. "If you are not happy by then, I'll come and get you from her. But now, give her a chance to prove herself to you."

I sat up to face him. I cupped his face and gently put my forehead to his. "Remember this Angelo, no once can ever replace you in my heart. I love you so much." From that, we've shared the longest kiss we had. It was a kiss to remember, like an oath to keep. It was as if memorizing the taste and how glorious his lips onto mine.

It was a farewell, not a goodbye.

ANGEL...O? (BoyxBoy)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ