Chapter 36

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Photo: James Bradley as Daniel

Chapter 36

Angelo's P.O.V

I watched his back slowly disappearing from my view. Silence enveloped the rooftop and the cold breeze was brushing my wet cheeks. I kept on repeating in my head that it is for the best. I give love, yes I do. But I can contradict my own feeling if I'm stepping on someone's future. I love Jared and Daniel so much I couldn't bear to imagine how miserable their life will be if I continue to believe that me and Daniel have a future together. Perhaps, it's the reason why some of the gay love story doesn't end in happily ever after in most novels and movies. Perhaps, two guys loving each other romantically is really unnatural. Perhaps, the people picketing gay relationships are correct after all.

My head was clouded by different thoughts when Sebastian approached me from behind. "Sir." He said.

I didn't look on his direction. "Sebastian." I muttered. "Followed Daniel and make sure he will not do stupid things. Keep him safe, please."

"As you ordered, sir." He replied. He bowed to me and slowly walked to the lift to follow Daniel.

It's not that Daniel would do stupid things at all. It's just I'm worried that he might think of doing something stupid with his state of emotions. He can be looked tough outside but Daniel is as soft as me inside. Being with him every day for the past 5 months made it easy for me to see through him. There was no doubt that he was really hurting from the break-up that we just had.

On my way home, I dropped by Daniel's place to see Jared. I did the 'frozen' knock and as if on cue, Jared was opening the door with his Nana behind him. The 'frozen' knock was our signal that one of us is knocking.

The little angel jumped up on my arms and hugged me my neck gently. He buried his face on my neck for a second and kissed both my cheeks. "I missed you Papa." He whispered.

"I miss you too, sweetie." I replied while hugging him tight in my arms.

I turned to Sonia's direction and regarded her with a smile. "Hello mum."

"Hello son. Are you hungry? Jared and I baked some chocolate cookies." She offered. Indeed, the house smelt really good and it made my stomach grumbled from hunger. I realized that I never had anything since morning. The conversation with Chloe has spoiled by appetite big time.

"Actually, I am. Thank you." I accepted.

"Stay here and I'll prepare it for you, dear." She said, as she marched down to the kitchen while humming some 80's song that I couldn't remember the title.

I was about to stop and tell that I can do it by myself but Jared cut me off. "Papa..." he trailed.

"Yes, buddy?" I answered. I walked up to the chair and seated, Jared still in my arms. As soon we are seated, he snuggled up on my lap and I embraced him gently and softly. How I love the boy so much I will do anything to protect him. Even if it cost me my life, I will never let anyone hurt him.

"Where is Daddy?" Jared continued.

I was taken aback by Jared's sudden question that I didn't answered quickly. Thankfully, Sonia was there to save me from lying to Jared. I did't want to lie to the kid. Unfortunately, I didn't passed Sonia's sensor.

"Here you go, dear." She handed me a plate full of chocolate cookies and a glass of orange juice. Sonia was eyeing me carefully and I was pretty sure that she felt that something was off. "Jared honey, why don't you play with your little dinosaurs upstairs? Papa and I will just have a quick chat, okay?" She approached Jared.

ANGEL...O? (BoyxBoy)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora