Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Angelo's P.O.V

"I have a son." He said. I could see the tiny drop of sweat falling on his forehead while he was watching and waiting for my reaction. I could feel how nervous he was on telling me about his son. It's been more or less than three months since we know each other, and two months we've been trying to know more about each other but for some reason, he couldn't tell me that he has a son.

He's been courting me for almost a month now, and I must say that I was really impressed by his effort just to ask me out. I wouldn't say that I didn't like how he serenaded me in front of my apartment one night which made my neighbours almost called the police because he sounds like a dying whale, while his guitarist was shaking from laughter (I didn't tell him about how he sounded though), I wouldn't say I didn't like those cheesy love letters with funny pick-up lines, I wouldn't say I didn't like how he turned the white roses into green ones. I love all of them; however, I was still a guy.

I appreciate all his effort and his perseverance in proving himself to me. And every time he did something to impress me, I got a chance to know him a lot more; especially when we started the endless chatting and talking and text messaging every day from the night he serenaded me.

Right now, he was revealing the biggest and heaviest secret of him to me. I know it is hard to be a single dad especially when you're entering a relationship; it's either the woman would accept his son or reject and dump him. And I wanted to know the real reason for taking so long to tell me about his son.

My face was expressionless and I could feel that he was trying to read what was on my mind. Unfortunately for him, I was really good at masking my feeling from people.

He was waiting for me to say something.

I sighed. "I know."

"I'm sorry for not... Wait, what did you say?" he asked surprised.

"I said I know you have a son. Veronica told me. She almost gutted you for not telling me about it sooner but I convinced her to give you more time." I explained.

His mouth was hanging open until I quirked my eyebrow upward. "Why...Why didn't you tell me?"

I rolled my eyes playfully. "...because it is not my secret to tell."

I could see the relieve flooding on his face as he smiled at me. "You're not mad at me?" he asked with a trace of worry in his tone.

"I'm a little bit upset at you for not telling it to me sooner and for not trusting me enough to know about your son. Did you think I'll reject you because of him? If that's what you thought, you're wrong. I always wanted to have a son someday and I love kids." I said, looking directly at his glittering blue eyes.

"It's not that I didn't trust you. It's just that I don't want my son to expect from someone and just get hurt in the end. He's suffered enough from my previous bitchy girlfriends and I couldn't take it anymore." He sighed. "I'm really sorry about hiding about him from you."

I smiled at him. Now that I knew the real reason behind it, there was no need to get mad and I'm happy that he trusted me now.

"Ohh..." he fished out something from his pocket. When I looked at what he took from it, I was surprised. "Here, I keep on forgetting to give it back to you." He said, handing over my handkerchief.

"Forgetting eh?" I teased. A blushed crept on his face as he began to fidget with his fingers. "This reminds me our first meeting... Maybe if I didn't help the little lost kid at the shopping centre that day, I wouldn't be late for the class, and then maybe I didn't end up kissing the floor. But i don't regret helping him though, he was so cute and.."

ANGEL...O? (BoyxBoy)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt