Chapter 30

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Photo: Paulo Avelino as Nathan

Chapter 30

Angelo's P.O.V

My heart was beating and pounding hard in my chest. I couldn't breathe properly, until when Daniel held my shaking hand. No surprised, my nerves calmed after feeling his warm touch.

We were standing in front of Nathan's house. The scenery was the same as the last time I saw it. The roses and orchids were blooming extravagantly in the mini garden, it was taken cared by my aunt Lisa as she loves plants and roses. However, there was something that caught my eyes in the corner of the tiny house- multiple tanks of oxygen.

Sebastian and Daniel came with me to see Nathan. But as soon as I stepped on Nathan's boundary, my whole body was petrified of fear. I was not scared to see Nathan again, I was scared to see what he would look like after battling the cancer for almost 4 years- to make it worst, he was alone in his battle. I wasn't there to support him. I left him alone fighting.

It wasn't his appearance that I was worried about, it was how hurt and withered and exhausted he look after the battle. I couldn't bear to see my friend, my other soul-mate, hurting.

I didn't realise that my tears fell down until when Daniel wiped it away. "Be strong. He doesn't need to see you hurting and broken right now. He needs you as his strength." He said, smiling in a comforting manner while cupping my cheeks with his hands.

I held Daniel's hand and took a final deep breath before going into the house.

We stirred straight to the room where Nathan was resting and where the doctors were treating him. All through these years, my family, the Grande, was paying for all the medical needs and expenses of Nathan. I didn't have any idea about it.

While walking closely to the room, my hand softly squeezed Daniel's. I could hear the IV machine beeping as we go nearer and nearer to the room.

Before we reached the door, Sebastian emerged from the room and opened the door for me. "Sir, this way please." He said, his tone was full of concern and... pity? Why? What's going on? Sebastian looked at me as he tried to muster a smile, but he failed.

Why not? Nathan was like his son as well. We grew up together under his supervision and we learned what we know now because of him.

As I entered the room, the door behind me closed. Thankfully, Daniel never left my back. He was holding my shoulder, which gived me comfort and the feeling of secured.

What showed in front of me made me break down in an instant.

"Nice to see you again, my angel." Nathan spoke in a rough and groggy tone.

There he was, sitting on his bed. The strong arms and broad shoulder that I love about him was replaced by bare bones and skin. There were numerous needles and machines connected to him. There he was, smiling to me and greeting me as if nothing happened. There he was, my once beautiful best friend that I loved the most, looking exhausted and losing his battle any moment.

My tears streamed like a water falls as soon as I saw him, even though I tried my very best not to cry. Who would not weep when you saw the very dear person to you struggling for his life?

Before I could step further near my friend, the doctor met me halfway. He smile to me and shook my hand. "Master Grande, you're friend here is really strong. In fact, his condition have improved since yesterday. I think it's really a miracle that you're here." The doctor said louder than the usual as if he intentionally let Nathan to hear it. "I'll leave him to you now." With that, he took his chart and hanged his stethoscope on his neck before bidding us goodbye.

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