"That's a real bad habit you've got, Ace," Sabo said with a frown as Ace weighed the staff in his hands. "Refusing to run even when you're up against real pirates? Why are you so eager to die?"

Sabo slightly flinched at his words, 'turns out I was right..' he thought to himself sadly, Ace had glanced at him and then placed him into a head lock as he rubs his fist in Sabo's hair since his hat fell off.

"Oi! Ace, stop!" Sabo struggled a bit and continues to tell Ace to let go as Ace just grins. After a minute, Sabo finally got out and-


He hits Ace on his head causing a bump to appear. Ace just groans and holds his head, some of his crew snickering as Sabo huffs and looks at the scene.

Unaware that,

Ace smiled while holding his head, happy with the fact that he got Sabo to stop thinking about his death.

Luffy's crew kept an eye on Luffy who was sobbing, some of them sighing in relief that their captain was alright.

"It doesn't feel right," Ace muttered, as if he hadn't heard a word that Sabo was saying. "It was better before." He states, obviously talking about the pole in his hands.

Sabo just sighed as he shook his head, not believing that this was his friend.

"Having to look after him is tough" said Marco turning his gaze towards the blonde.

Sabo scoffs and said, "imagine taking care of both, Luffy and Ace"

Marco chuckles and said, "how about a whole crew of troublesome brothers" he was now smirking as if this was a small game.

Sabo smirks as well and just says, "well, I believe we both know we are at least responsible enough to not get ourselves killed"

Ace snorts glancing at his "responsible" brother, "you keep telling yourself that, Sabo"

Sabo's face turned beat red as he stutters and ultimately decides to just punch Ace's arm repeatedly, while Marco laughs.

Ace just grumbles while hiding a small smile.

Whitebeard smiles, seeing his sons having a good time.

"After this, Bluejam's crew will never forgive us," Sabo continued thoughtfully "They'll be after us from now on."

"Tch, like hell they will" said Garp angry at the pirates.

"That was so scary!" Luffy sobbed, still crying loudly. "I thought I was gonna die!"

"Luffy.." Chopper muttered sadly, Nami places her hand in his hat.

"That Luffy!" Usopp said, "going through all that.. for Ace and Sabo, who didn't even treat him right" Usopp crosses his arms and frowns thinking back to the way Ace and Sabo treated Luffy.

"That's just how he is" Zoro said, "he's always been like that, apparently, chasing after others despite the way they treat him"

Zoro thought back on how he refused to join Luffy's crew even going as far as threatening him on how he hunts pirates. That didn't stop Luffy.

"But still... why?" Nami asked frowning,

Robin stares ahead at the scene as her younger captain sobs more. Her arms crossed as she smiles a bit and says,

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