"Don't worry Adam, you'll reach there one day!" I laughed, playfully punching his arm.

The campus was slowly filling up with students-- the girls all stumbled in wearing fitted shirts, headscarved and long skirts. The scarves that were wrapped over their head was 'only' for their head which barely covering their body, and I never understood why they even wore scarves if it never fully covered their neck and bodies. But this school was way better than any public schools out there where all the students lived up to the lastest fashion trend, showing their bodies off literally. This meant I had to cast my eyes down and admire the shiny floor. I didn't deserve to see all this. All womens were meant to be covered! 

We all walked to our first period class and sat on our seats minding our own business while the class slowly filled up with students. Since there was still remainder of time, I opened up my quran and hummed out the verses from my memory just for a blessed start of class and also revision for my evening's dour to Moulana Ahmed. Reciting the Quran made me lose my surroundings,giving me the opportunity to relax my mind which was a great type of meditation. Having the quran meant I had Allah by my side at all times in my life and it was an amazing feeling.

Time passed and my spell was brutally broken by the loud chatters of students and the blaring loud music in the background that they played through their tiny portable speakers. Even though the school was called 'islamic', the students still blasted music even knowing that it was strictly haram. 

The class was packed now and the teachers arrival was determined any minute. I internally groaned in annoyance. I hated the teacher and she hated me back. 

I placed my Quran in my backpack and took my tablet and headphones out plugging it in my ears to muffle out the blaring music. Didn't these people know music was haram and that they were commiting a huge sin? Maybe they just simply didn't care about the dangerously painful fire of Hell that is said to ashen down sinners.

I sighed. The smartest person in the world was the person who prepared themselves for the hereafter and saved themselves from the hell fire before time. I wanted to save the entire class from the pains of Jahannam, but as a Hafiz my number was limited to accompanying only ten people to Paradise. Even if I tried invited these people towards Islam, they payed no heed. My only source was asking Allah now, hoping he would guide them all to the straight path.

The chatters abruptly died down, an unsaid signal that the teacher had arrived. I unplugged myself from the tablet and looked down on my desk lowering my gaze. Ms. Abad was a female having the same taste of clothing like the rest of the female students in the school. Why was tightness always their thing? I mean... was that even comfortable?

Ms. Abad looked around survey each one of us until I felt her eyes land on me. Technically burning my hood! 

"Mr. Benyamin are you wearing your uniform?" She asked with a glare.

"Yup!" I nodded, looking at her with boredom. This was a normal everyday thing, and she always had to pick on me. A normal routine on both our schedule. I had no choice, but not gazing at her meant that I was being disrespectful. She was a Muslim, yet she never followed the orders in the Holy Quran where Allah had strictly commanded men and women to lower their gaze in front of each other. 

قُل لِّلۡمُؤۡمِنِينَ يَغُضُّواْ مِنۡ أَبۡصَـٰرِهِمۡ

"Tell the believing men to lower their gaze.." Surah Nur (30)

"I don't see the logo of your uniform?" She asked icily. I unzipped my leather jacket and showed her the logo and she shot me one satisfied look. "I'm impressed."

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