One Big Happy Family

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"THEO!" His screams echo in my head. I see him on the floor, blood everywhere. 

"COLLIN!" I yell, I try to run but my legs won't move. 

"Theo, help me" His voice begging, but I can't go to him. I can't move. 

"Collin..please" I try to move my legs, use all my energy but I can't get to him. 

I force my legs to move, they're slow, like trucking through thick glue. I make it to him, kneeling now. 

"Collin." His hand grabs mine, leaving blood stains on my wrist. 

"Theo, I love you." He says, the light fades from his eyes, I see them close softly. 

"No, no, no, no, no.. Stay with me. Collin..please, stay with me" I shake him, nothing. 


"Theo wake up." He shakes me awake in bed.

"I'm sorry." 

"Don't be." He says, kissing my forehead. 

"Come on, we're going to see the country club today. Shower and change, I'll make us breakfast." He smiles and makes his way downstairs. Swiftly, I get up and turn the shower on. I'm so thankful for him. 


"Banana pancakes and coffee." He sits it down on the table in front of me. Typing away on his laptop. 

"Whatcha doing?" I ask.

"Looking things up, wedding stuff." He says, he grabs the fork, cutting into the pancake and putting it in his mouth.

"Thought those were mine!" I joke.

"Ours, I only made these. We didn't have a lot of mix left so we have to share." He smiles, mouthful of food. 


"Welcome to Philadelphia Country Club." We walk around planning. An outdoor wedding. We go over packages, and food. Handing him a check. 

"We're all set. You guys are really prepared. The next payment is due in August, then we will discuss the finalizations and set up. Then we see you the day before, you can stay in the suites that night and we'll get everything set up." He says, scribbling down on his notepads. 

"It's May, do you think we'll have enough time?" I ask.

"More than enough. We have most of the supplies already, we will talk colors and themes. The guest list is small so we will be fine." He says, he shakes our hands and we head out. 

"I'm SO excited!" Collin gushes as we get in the car. 

"I can't believe this is happening, it's so surreal." I say. 

"One more summer tour and then our wedding!" He grabs my face and kissing me hard. 

"Fuck I can't wait." He says, his smile wide, his eyes beaming. I love him like this. 


"So the rent is $1600 a month, that's with utilities. There's four floors, 6 bedrooms, 3 full baths, and 2 half baths. Full kitchen, two living spaces and dining area." We walk through the house. We've been thinking about this for quite some time. A big place for all of us to live. The guys, Shea, everyone. One big house. In the countryside, just outside of the city. Collin squeezes my hand as we walk through. We're on the top floor, a balcony with sliding doors, a huge bedroom and full bathroom. 

"Collin, this is beautiful." I say. 

"We have to get this. All of us paying each month, we could easily do this." He says. He stands out on the balcony. 

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