Falling Further Faster

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I wake up, the sounds of the water, the silence. I smell coffee. I sit up, rubbing my eyes. 

"Hey sleepy head!" Theo is up, she hands me a mug of coffee and walks over to the patio. Her long legs shine from the sun, the way her hips move as she walks. She sits, sipping her coffee. I get up and follow her. 

I sit next to her in a chair. She leans back, putting her legs over mine. Her short shorts barely visible. Her button up flannel shirt, open a little, exposing parts of her chest. She's tan in the sun. I haven't seen her like this. I look her up and down, tracing her body, putting it in the back of my mind, savoring her memory.

"What?" She laughs. Watching me. 

"I uh, just looking at you." She bites her lip. God, I want her, right here. 

"So, what do you want to do today?" I ask. She looks out to the water. The hills and mountains surround us, the water meets the horizon, the sun shining bright, it's warm. 

"Head down to town maybe? Check out the shops?" She nods. Finishing her coffee. She gets up to change. She closes the curtains, leaving just enough space for me to see through, if I sit right. I sip my coffee. Turning to catch her. I see her back, a large tattoo where her left shoulder blade is. A sun and moon. The sun's rays holding the sleeping moon, like they finally meet at last. After forever being part between day and night. Long lost lovers. I didn't know she had that. 

I watch her body, it glides down, every aspect of her is beautiful. She pulls her dress over her head. Small straps over her back, her dress red with flowers. She opens the curtains, I turn towards the water, pretending I wasn't watching her. 

"You gonna wear that?" I look down, my boxer shorts and t-shirt. 



He smirks at me and laughs, finishing his coffee and heading in to change. I go into the bathroom to fix my hair. I see him in the mirror behind me. Facing the other way. He pulls his shirt over his head, exposing his back. His muscles, they're so toned. He's not as skinny as he looks. His arms are strong, I know because I find myself staring at this veins in his arms..they're mesmerizing.  He pulls his pants up, shirt over his head. 

"You ready?" He turns to me, I grab my bag, sunglasses and a hat. 

"Ready!" We head out the door and into the shuttle. Driving down the mountain to the town. The shops are amazing. We move in and out of them, getting some souvenirs. 

"How do you know Italian?" He asks. We'd be lost if I didn't. 

"I learned languages in my time. It's fun and I like being able to talk to people. Being able to understand what they're saying. How to find my way around."

"What else can you speak?" He sits at a table, near the water. 

"French, Italian-obviously, Spanish, a little bit of Latin, and German." I laugh.

"And English, obviously." He laughs. I ruffle his hair with my fingers. His hands run through them to fix it. He's so sexy like this. When he does that, I feel a tingle in my body, it gives me the shivers. 

It's so warm here, so beautiful. The smell of the water fills my soul. 

"You wanna go?" He asks. 

"Go back?" I ask. 

"No." His devilish grin. The sun is starting to set but the light is still bright. He jumps up and gestures his hand out, I take it. He leads me down the beach, almost running. He lets go and runs into the water. I stand, the water hitting my feet. I drop my bag and throw my hat behind me. Running in after him. The water rushes through me as I go under. It frees me, I feel all of my fear, my exhaustion, demons. Everything feels lighter. I come up for air. I see him, staring at me. 

The Green LabyrinthNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ