Say 'I Do'

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"TODAY'S THE DAY!" Shea yells, jumping onto the bed. 


"Morning to you too!" I sit up and stretch. 

"Shower now and then it's makeup and hair time!" She runs out of the room. I see the sun shining through the windows. 

The warm water hits my face. I'm marrying my best friend today. I feel the jump in my stomach. 



I wake up, finding the boys sitting around the couch, playing video games. 

"Morning Col." Derek comes in, handing me a coffee.

"From Theo" He hands me a piece of paper.

"Today's the day! I can't wait to marry you. See you soon my love. <3" I smile. 

"When do we need to be ready by?" I ask Matt, the maître d. 

"By 1pm. Ceremony is at 3 but we need to do pictures by 1." He says, Jordan sits in the corner, fixing his camera.

"And I'll be ready by then. I'm going over now to see Theo and take 'getting ready' pictures." He laughs. I sit on the couch, grabbing a controller. 



They're coming at me from all angles. Curling my hair, spraying, patting the powder on my face. 

"HEY!" Jordan knocks on the door. 

"Everyone decent?" He yells.

"Come in!" He walks in, smiling.

"Hey, just gonna take some pictures." He smiles, capturing every moment. 

I sit in the chair, eating bites of food between them doing hair and makeup. 

"And done!" They finish, spraying one last time both hair, and setting spray. 

I look in the mirror, my hair up behind my head, curled and in a messy style up-do. Curled pieces fall to the sides. I love it. My make up is daring but simple and elegant. 

Jordan has me stand by the window, taking some shots, directing me to look a certain way, smile, etc. Capturing each moment of the day. 

"Dress time!!" Shea comes over, helping me into my dress, lacing up the back. The girls put their dresses on. Lex walks in, tux on. 

"You look beautiful Dora." He hugs me, tears forming in his eyes. 

"Are you ready?" He asks. 

"Born ready. Let's do this." We head to the waiting area, getting in line. Lex stands next to me, his arm in mine. 

"Ready?" He asks again. 

"I'm ready." I take a few deep breaths. Matt hands me my flowers, a beautiful array of blue, gold, white, and red. Emerald leaves throughout. The florist did an amazing job. The girls walk ahead, slowly. 



I stand at the end of the aisle, nervously shifting. 

"You got this." Aidan pats my shoulder. 

"I know. I'm just nervous." I say, making sure my tie is straight, my buttons aren't loose. 

I see empty chairs in the front. A picture of Tommy with candles on the chair. One of her dad. 

"To those who couldn't be here today, if heaven weren't so far away. Thomas P. Walsh and Theodore T. Larson." 

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