Fall into You

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"Theo, can you tell me what happened?" as I sit in a room lightened by a single light overhead, I can't move. 

"Theo.." a voice says again. I can't talk. I can't speak, the words just won't come out. 

"Dad" is all I manage to say. 

The man leaves the room but the door is open. 

"She isn't gonna talk. She doesn't know what happened. It's useless. She isn't going to tell us anything." the man scoffs and walks away. 

"hey, maybe she needs to talk to a woman. She might feel better." a female voice responds. 

"Let me try." she said. The door closes slowly. 

"Theo, honey." a hand touches my shoulder. I shudder and move away. 

"Don't touch me." I say, looking down at my hands. They're still covered in blood, it's dried and made my hands turn red. 

"Can I clean your hands off for you?" she asks, worried about what I'll do. I nod. She takes a warm, wet cloth and wipes my hands off. I look at her. Her dark, green eyes give me this feeling deep in my stomach. I pull away. 

"I got it." I say, taking the cloth from her, wiping my hands and putting in on the table. 

"What can I get for you? Do you need anything?" she asks, sitting back down across from me. I shake my head no. 

"Can I talk to you about your dad for a minute? Would that be okay? We can stop anytime you want and you don't have to say anything." she says softly. 

"What happened Theo? What do you remember?" 

The moment fades and I'm snapped back into reality.


"Theo?" Shea is in front of me, shaking my shoulder slightly. 

"You okay?" she looks concerned. 

"Yeah, I'm good. Sorry, I was lost in thought for a minute." I give her an unconvincing smile. She gives one back, she knows I'm lying, she knows I had a flashback. 

She moves her hand to mine and locks it. 

"Let's go! The shows gonna start soon!" She pulls me to the gate and show our bracelets. They open it and let us in. There's only about 10 people in here and a lot of space. We meet up with Derek who is right in front of the stage, he waves us over. Taking Shea's hand in his and pushing her in front of him, his arms around her waist. I miss that, someone holding me. 

My arms involuntarily hug myself, I stare at the floor, until I hear the rumble of screams, the lights go dim, my breath is short. 

I feel a hand on mine, I look up and Derek is smiling at me. 

"You're safe, you're okay" he mouths. I let my breath out slowly and nod. "I'm safe, I'm okay" I repeat in my head. 

Figures walk out on stage, I faintly see Veno at his drum kit. 


Let's see how far I'll go now that I've lost control

I'm stuck here grieving all alone

I'm out of hope
Guess that's the way it goes
When you burn dark and slow
I'm done, come bring me home, no"

The crowd sings..

"I'm sick of funeral black, so when I don't come back.." 

The show ends and we wait in the VIP area for everyone to clear out. I pull out my phone and check Twitter. 

The Green LabyrinthNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ