Close Call

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I look up at him, standing next to me now. He slides in the booth on my side. His arm around my shoulders. I push him away getting as far away as possible. 

"Aw come on T, I know you like sitting on the same side of the booth." He picks at my food. 

"Still love banana pancakes huh? You're a sucker for routine." He laughs. I feel my blood boil. I look over at Collin, his eyes are saucers. I try to mentally tell him to leave, my eyes move to the door. 

"So T, who's this guy here?" He asks, Collin moves to speak but I cut him off. 

"Don't talk to him. Kyle, what do you want? Why are you here?" He licks his finger from the syrup.

"Oh, they let me out...over crowding I guess. But I saw you were on tour for Warped tour so I followed along. Just hiding, watching. Now that you're alone, I can talk to you." He says. 

"Kyle, I have a restraining order. You can't come near me, my family, or anyone I'm with. Leave me alone and don't come back." I say sternly.

"You see, restraining orders only last for a specific amount of time. That's old news baby." My skin is burning, my face is beat red. 

"Hey man, can you just leave us alone?" Collin pipes up.

 "Did I ask for your input?" Kyle stands, pulling a switchblade from his pocket. I jump up, standing between him and Collin now. I hand Collin the keys. 

"Go to the" I say, he says nothing and grabs them, leaving from the table. Watching me as he walks to the car. 

"Wow, he listens and doesn't put up a fight. Does he listen to everything you tell him?" He sits back in the booth now, knife into his pocket. 

"Kyle, why are you here?" I sit across from him now, looking directly at him. 

"I want my life back." He says. Pulling the knife and playing with the blade in his hands. 

"After everything, I was in jail. That ruined my life T. I got out and couldn't do anything without that record following me. And here you are, the great Theo. In a band, successful, and preaching to the world about "strength" and "positivity." How to overcome an abusive relationship when they don't know the real you...the real story." He says, air quoting the words. 

"Kyle, you and I both know exactly what happened. You hurt me for a long time, made me feel weak and useless. I wanted to kill myself for a long time. I wanted to leave but didn't want to constantly look over my shoulder for you. I stood up to you and you hurt me, almost killed me. And then you went away. I got happy again, I found someone. I don't know why you think I owe you anything." 

"Ah but here's the thing T, you didn't listen. You didn't do what you were told. And that's why I did what I did to you. You were stupid, and you didn't listen." He stands now, next to me. He grabs my hair, pulling me out of the booth and onto the floor. The kitchen staff runs into the back. Thanks for nothing. 

"But ruined my entire life. I am a criminal, an abusive criminal because of you. I'm labeled as a woman beater because of you." He gives me a swift kick in the side. I feel it. Waving the knife around in his hand as he talks. 

"You are a piece of shit. You're nothing to no one. You will never be. No one loves you. You think that guy out there, sitting in the car loves you? He left you here. He left you alone. And you're going to die alone." He looks at me, closely. 

"Did he though?" I hear the sirens in the distance. Collin called the police. I knew he would. 

Kyle's eyes go wide as they speed into the lot. 

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