40. Dooms Day.

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Logan had stayed with me until mom came back from work that evening.

Not gonna lie and tell you I was a strong girl who made him work for the forgiveness he asked. I forgave him. Of course, I forgave him what did you think I would do? I loved him, and he did quite a lot to take care of me that day. The level of awkwardness between us faded as time went by until everything felt almost normal between us again.


Yes, we were getting back to a place where we normally were. Yes, I was glad for it. I could feel that everything was going to be okay. But I wasn't naïve enough to believe that everything would just in a second go back to normal, and we would seat around a campfire and sing Kumbaya like a happy couple. Deep down, I knew it would take a bit of time to trust him completely again.

He had stayed for a little while longer after mom got home before he had to go back to school for his car.

Although both Logan and I tried to conceal any lingering effects from our fight earlier, I knew mom could feel the tension between us. The easy way Logan had carried himself around her the day they first met was there, but not as much.

She didn't press on the matter, and I was thankful for that. I wanted to talk to her about it, I wanted to tell her everything but, I just wasn't ready. I wasn't prepared to tell her my first relationship was already giving me a headache.

After she made us dinner, I finished some of my homework and retired to sleep early.


The morning sun rays peeked through my curtain, basking my room in a warm glow the way it always did every morning.

This time though, the feeling was different.

I would normally smile at it. I would normally let its warmth wash over my skin, adding a little tan to it.

That morning, nothing was normal.

"Ugh," I groaned, bringing my arms against my face to shield my eyes from the light before I scooted as far away from it as possible.

As I laid there, my eyes wide, looking at the ceiling, my mind wandered back to all those weeks ago. Back when I had nothing else in my mind but studies. Back when I was truly innocent. Back when I felt like myself. Quiet, innocent, but myself none the less.

All those weeks ago, before I met him.

I remembered I loved the warm rays of the sun through my window each morning, for it meant the beginning of a new school day. My regular, quiet, boring, but productive school days.

I realized just then I missed those days. I realized I would give anything to have them back because, at that point, I could barely go to school without drama following me around like I was a beacon to it.

I didn't know when I had turned into that.

I didn't know when my life became a shell of my former self.

I didn't know how I had allowed myself to be that shell of a person I could barely recognize. The person whose life revolves around a boy. The person whose days at school involves hallway dramas and making enemies with the school's don't-mess-with girl. I was a different person. I didn't know when that new person had sneaked up on me and took my life over, but she did.

That morning, the sun rays through my curtain just represented a new day of uncertainty.

With a heavy heart and a loud sigh, I stood up from my bed and walked into my bathroom to get ready for school.


The moment my feet touched the school ground, I knew something was wrong.

This was more than a woman's intuition or the sixth sense I talked about somewhere since I started telling you my story. This was bigger. There was a substantial uneasy feeling on the pit of my stomach that grew bigger with every step I took towards the school's entrance.

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