21. Oh, Shit. Shiiittt!

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I think I liked Ethan. Don't judge. Not the way you think you perv.

I liked him in the sense that without being introduced to me by Suzy, I met somebody who was quite interesting in every sense of aspects and not to mention the fact that because of him, my Sunday went well. Happy to announce the thoughts of a certain green-eyed boy, didn't cross my mind. Well, until now that I'm talking about him. Anyway, mom's car was in the driveway along with some other vehicle that I had never seen before parked in our driveway.

Problem was, the house was quiet. Too quiet as if there was absolutely nobody inside. My brows furrowed in confusion as I walked deeper inside. Thank God a few steps later, I started hearing muffled voices.

"Mom?" I called.

No answer.

I walked further, but just before I could fully enter our living room, there, on the couch, sat mom. Her back toward me and in front of her was a man.

I blinked. See, a man sitting in front of mom was not a problem at all even though it never happened in this house before. What got me almost to want to take rapid steps backward was the fact that they were on each other's arms. Kissing.

No wonder they didn't hear me calling.

So, there I was, trying to get my eyes to stop widening and at the same time, torn between wanting to run away or just pretend like I didn't see them all together.

Here's the thing I would like to advise you. Don't walk in on your parent. Any of them. If you could avoid it, do it at all costs. It's embarrassing as hell.

Since the guy had sat facing me, he was the first one to see me. While his lips were still glued on mom's, His eyes, as if coming out of their daze recognizing there was an unwanted third party involved, they slowly widened until they reached their maximum capacity. His face went from shock to embarrassment before he put his hands against mom's shoulders and pushed to get her to stop.

It could have been the chorus of 'Ahem's' that came from him or the not so subtle, repetitive eye dashing from mom to me that got her to turn around.

"OH MY GOD, Amelia," she jumped about a thousand feet away from him.

Too late, mom.

"Amelia, honey." She pulled on her dress, trying to smooth it out. "When did you get here? I didn't know you were back?"

I waved my hand. "I'm back."

'Ahem,' the guy cleared his throat again.

"Oh, Um." Mom seemed to remember her guest was still awkwardly sitting there. "Amelia, this is Ben, a work colleague of mine."

"Err," I still had no idea what to say.

The guy, Ben. Awkwardly raised his hand to give a small wave. "Hi, Amelia. Nice to meet you."

"Um, hello. Nice to meet you too?"

I didn't mean for my greetings to sound like a question, but it did and I didn't blame myself. Even though I, as well have experienced my first kiss and knew exactly how... sweet, it can be, the guy in front of me was still a stranger.

Mom stood there, shifting her eyes between Ben and me, seemingly unsure of what to say before she slapped her hand over her forehead. "Wow this is as awkward as it gets," she said, then turned towards Ben. "I'll be right back. Amelia, can I speak to you for a minute?" Without waiting for my answer, she took my hand and dragged me to the kitchen.

"Oh my God, Amelia, honey I am so, so, sorry."

I wanted to stop her and tell her it was okay which really, after my initial shock it wasn't that bad. But I decided I might as well just enjoy the moment.

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