39. Fighting a Losing Battle.

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Thank God there were no people in the parking lot.

I'm not sure how they would have taken it. A girl crying her eyes out on the chest of a guy in the middle of a parking lot. Yeah, that would have raised a lot of brows.

"This doesn't change anything." I sniffed, and wiped my eyes with the hills of my palms after my little crying episode had calmed down enough for me to remove my head from his chest, and looked at him.

Logan didn't answer. He didn't even let me stand further away from his reach. He did, however, bobb his head, agreeing that he knew just because he was there, didn't mean all was good between us.

"Come on." He took my hand and node his head to my car. "Let's get you out of here."

I blinked.

See, I know initially, I had all the intentions of getting the heck out of school and possibly never come back, but I hesitated. That wasn't me. In the heat of all the crazy happening to me, my thoughts were clouded. The crying took all that away. I could see clearly again. Think better, and I wasn't sure I wanted to skip anymore.

He sensed my reluctance from the way I dug my feet on the ground.

"Are you okay?"

I pressed my lips in a thin line. I most definitely wasn't okay, but at that moment, I was too busy being torn between wanting to go home and staying at school.

He tilted his head to the side as his eyes narrowed a fraction. "You don't wanna go anymore, do you?"

"I don't know," I said and sniffed again. I hated how clogged and drained the sound of my voice came out. "I'm not sure of anything anymore."

He blew out a breath and took a step closer. Leaving about a few inches between us. "Amelia." He brushed away a stray, wet, strand of hair away from my cheek. "I'm not sure you should want to stay. With the way you look, I mean. Plus, you've been through a lot. I think you deserve a little rest."

"Yeah? Whose fault is that?" I spat and brushed his hand away before I could stop myself. Logan's eyes flashed with hurt before he dropped them down. I shouldn't have felt bad for him, considering I had been through some shitty things myself for the past few days, all in the account of him, by the way, but I did. I guess love really is a blind fool. "I'm sorry." I closed my eyes for a second in regret. "I shouldn't have said that."

"It's okay." He composed himself by putting his hands inside his jean pockets. "I get it. I deserve that."

The long pause that followed between us was awkward, to say the least. We stood there, looking at each other. Me wishing I didn't open my big mouth and spew the 'your fault' condemnation. And him... well, I'm not sure want went down in his head.

The sound of the bell ringing signaling the end of lunch break brought us back from our little awkward stand-still. I looked around. Logan didn't move his eyes away from me.

"It's now or never," he said.

I took in a long, deep breath and bobbed my head. "Okay. Home it is, " I said before I brushed past him towards my car. Logan followed close by behind me.

I wasn't sure exactly what he was planning on doing, but I knew what I finally decided to do.

I opened my car door, subtly stealing glances his way to see his next move.

He didn't make any moves. In fact, he just calmly stood behind me.

I didn't want to ask. I was still mad at him, and I wanted him to know that. So, I got inside my car and clasped my seat-belt around myself before I pushed my push to start button.

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