33. Anatomical matters. Part 1.

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This chapter is very, very mature. Things are going to get very heated with Logan and Amelia to the point of boiling. Nothing is left out. If you are not comfortable with this sort of thing, skip this chapter and read the next.

Let's go.


I woke up alone.

Logan wasn't anywhere in the room. Actually, now that I think about it, I didn't even know when I had fallen asleep. The last thing I remembered was how he had told me I was beautiful, followed by us laying there just looking at each other in comfort, and then, I woke up.

It felt good. The connection between us grew deep inside my heart, and it calmed me completely.

Slowly, I stretched myself and didn't stop until I made sure quite a few joints cracked loudly before I got up and made my way to the bathroom to freshen up. The kitchen was my next step since I knew the possibilities of finding mom there, or maybe even Logan was a lot higher than anywhere else.

The kitchen was empty.

"Mom?" I called.

No answer, so I walked back to her room.

'Mom, are you sleeping?"

Mom, whom after I cracked open her door, I found laid back on top of her bed with one arm flung across her face.

"No, honey. I was just resting." She removed her arm and turned her face to look at me.

"When did Logan leave?" I asked

"About an hour ago." She furrowed her brows in confusion. "You didn't know?"

"No. I guess I fell asleep."

She quirked her brow and shrugged. "He said he needed to go take care of something at work? He works?"

"Apparently." I took a few steps, entering her room completely, and sat down on her dressing table before I picked up her comb and started to run it against my hair. "I didn't ask much about that."

"Well, he's a good kid. I like him. He was funny."

Logan? Funny?

Mom had apparently met the side of Logan even I hadn't met yet. But the way things seemed to have been going, there was still hope for me. Before I could stop myself, I grinned like an idiot when the thought of 'hope' occurred in my mind. amidst my grinning, I caught mom looking at me with her brows raised, so I opted to clear my throat instead.

"Yeah. Yeah, he is."

"Anyway, I wanted to speak to you about something," she said as she sat up completely on her bed. "Ben wants to take me on a weekend gate away, but I didn't agree with him yet. I wanted to talk to you about it first."

I looked at her as I waited for her to continue, but she only looked at me back as if trying to read me. I raised my eyebrows then. She still didn't say anything else.

"Okay..." I bobbed my head. Slowly. "So... Oh, right. You thought I wouldn't agree?" I questioned. "Mom, come on. You've been single for as long as I can remember, and you've always taken good care of me. I can't be selfish with you. If he makes you happy, then I'm happy for you. Go, I'll be fine."

A smile twitched the corners of her lips before she frowned. "When did you start sounding so grown up?"

"What? What are you talking about? I've always been so grown up."

Amelia | ✔Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt