22. Matters of the hearts.

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Maybe some of you already knew this, but just for the benefits of those who are still innocent and didn't yet taint their good behavior the way most of us already did, and would like to know a thing or two. Here's a fact. Yes, I'm calling it a fact because I lived through it.

There's a rush in being chased after.

Especially, by the boy you think you could be crushing on, and most especially since that boy introduced you to the kissing world.

Logan awoke the rush in me. The rush I didn't even know I had. If I wanna be honest, Logan awoke a lot of things I didn't know about myself. Facts.

The moment I took my rapid steps out of the cafeteria, he was hot on my tail and a part of me was thrilled with that fact.

"Oh, no, you don't. You don't get to walk away anymore, Amelia! We need to talk."

I stopped walking then, and with my finger raised, turned around to point it at him. "No, Logan, we don't. There's nothing to talk about. What happened was a mistake, and I don't want to talk about it." I said before attempting to turn around again.

"What is the matter with you?" He hissed and grabbed my hand before I could even fully turn away.

"Nothing," I said, trying to yank my hand back. "Nothing is the matter with me. We kissed then nothing happened. No calls, no messages, nothing. It clearly didn't mean anything to you, and now, I'm over it."

"Over it?" He yelled and threw his hands up. "What the fuck?" He cursed. "Amelia, you are driving me insane. What did you want me to do? We kissed then you freaked out about it and told me you wanted to leave. And don't forget earlier at school that day, you told me to leave you alone. So, what the fuck do you want me to think? Tell me, what should I think?"

I realized then you know what? When you put everything he said that way, he kinda had a point. I did tell him to leave me alone that afternoon before we went full-on make out by the night. But then, wasn't us kissing like that supposed to tell him something? Ugh, this whole thing was just pointless. I took a deep breath to calm my nerves down and asked the only thing that made sense at that point.

"What do you want, Logan?"

Logan stared at me. Like he wasn't sure how to say what he wanted to say. His eyes, however, his eyes almost told me everything I should have known before he opened his mouth. His eyes roamed around my face, and settled on my open lips, lingered there a tad bit too long then back to my eyes before he uttered only one word.


I think I couldn't breathe properly. When he took that slow, but steady step closer to me, his soft perfume was all I could smell. Most importantly, I could smell him as a man. Like for the first time, I could see all of him. Slowly, he reached out and took my heated hands on his, and repeated what he had said.

"I want you, Amelia. Can't you see that?"

His voice, his eyes, his hands on mine, everything he did at that moment got butterflies to dance in my stomach. I wanted to level in his words. I wanted to just accept him and everything that represented the hot, yet still mysterious man in front of me. Before I could do any of that though, one name seemed to pop out of nowhere and reminded me I couldn't even if I wanted to.

"But... But what about, Charlotte?"

The moment her name left my lips, I knew Logan knew exactly what I was talking about. His face flushed from confusion to shock to understanding. He understood that yeah, I knew about her.

Found out the hard way by the way.

He let go of my hand and took a step back. "What about Charlotte? What does she have to do with anything?"

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