2. Fainting Coma.

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Every limb of mine was about to explode.

My heartbeat hammered against my chest. My nostrils flared as I blew air in and out in a feeble attempt to fill my stubborn, burning lungs as much as I could.

I didn't even care anymore about my reasons for being on that field. Playing that stupid, pass it game. I was tired, hungry, angry, and just about ready to pass out. Problem was, the side of me that usually wanted to push myself to the limit wouldn't let me quit. Despite all the aches, I continued limping my way faster and faster towards the finish line.

"Pass it!" A voice shouted.

The adrenaline surging, the overwhelming ache against my chest, the searing heat from the sun over my head, almost everything around me was too much for me to be able to identify whether the voice was from a girl or a boy. To be honest, I didn't care.

I kept limping forward.

All that mattered was the small ball clutched securely in my hands, encouraging me to go faster. If I'm being real though, even if I wanted to pass it to somebody, I'm not sure I would have been able to. I'm not sure I would have been able to pry my hands away from my chest. Every muscle felt like dry sticks, ready to break at any second.

"Amelia, pass it on, goddammit!"

Another voice shouted. This one sounded a lot more frustrated than the first person. Needless to say, it didn't help with identifying whom it belonged to. I could see the finish line, just a few more limps away. I was sure I could make it and then...

"Too slow," a voice growled. A male voice I was sure this time because the assailant didn't even bother taking a second to see how hard I was trying, or care that I was limping. Somehow, he'd managed to pry open my hands and took the ball away from me. The only thing I managed to see was his striking eyes before he turned around and ran in the opposite direction.

Anger and shock rushed within my whole body to the point my legs couldn't carry me forward anymore. To make matters worse, between his attempt at stealing my hard-earned ball, he had managed to jam his finger, maybe fist ... could have been both, at the place just under my breast and didn't even bother to stop and at least apologize.

Tears flowed in my eyes as the pain caused me to double over in a haste to reduce the unbearable suffering. The action was a bad idea because you know what it caused? Blood to rush at my head and in an instant, stars danced in front of my eyes.

The last thing I remembered, was a warm, gushy, content of food I ate that morning forcing its way out of my mouth onto the field, and the memory of green eyes that I would have loved to gouge out of its sockets before everything faded into complete darkness.


"Amelia?" My best friend's voice along with her warm hand against my bicep slowly shook me out of my slumber. "Oh my God, you are awake, you scared me half to death."

I groaned and looked around the small room I was in. A small, lone, white table in the corner along with a few open white shelves with just as few medical supplies strewn all over told me exactly where I was. The school's pathetic excuse for a nurse's room.

Suzy moved her face closer, almost on top of mine, causing her long auburn hair to fane either side of my face. I flinched from the prickling her strands caused. The look on her eyes was one of relief as she slowly crept her arm on my face, but just as she was about to touch me, she recoiled and opted to a scowl. Her hazel eyes creased in a look that promised she was gonna give me an earful before she moved her face away and down my body, inspecting every inch of me from my face to my legs.

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